
Syncthing is a peer-to-peer networking app that sync SPAT files. SyncTrayzor is a Windows tray utility, filesystem watcher & launcher for SyncThing.

Network setup

  • icomnt14:

    • SyncThing Introducer

    • Send Only for W:

  • 411

    • SyncTrayzor Introducer

    • Send & Receive local drive

  • SyncTrayzor

    • All end-users use

    • Minimizes to system tray (as pictured)

Client Install & Setup

On the client PC

  1. Download the latest version of SyncTrayzor and click on SyncTrayzorSetup-x64.exe:

  1. Click the file and install

  2. Run SyncTrayzor

  3. Syncthing will initialize then open a webpage

  4. Edit/Remove "Default Folder"

6. Click Actions >> Settings

  • Change the device name to (user's Active Directory name)-(laptop name), eg: mjohnson-icom-lp45

  • Save this change and exit

7. Click Actions >> Show ID

  • Copy Show ID for later steps

On an Introducer device

8. Click "+ Add Remote Device" at the bottom of the list of remote devices.

9. Add Device

  • Paste Client ID from step 7 into Device ID

  • Leave Device Name blank (it will detect the name)

  • Leave the "Introducer" unchecked

  • Share the folder "SPAT-201805"

  • Click "Save"

On the client PC

10. ONLY add device of the Introducer to start

11. Create a new folder for SPAT at "C:\spat\".

12. Click Add when Introducer shares folder "SPAT-201805"

13. Use the following settings

  • Full Rescan Interval of 3600 seconds is used to avoid constant re-checking of the massive file list that is SPAT

14. ONLY after saving the above settings can additional New Devices & Share Folder requests be accepted. Additional devices are other SPAT users. Adding them will speed up both your syncs & theirs.

ONLY accept new devices with "ICOM" in the name to avoid unauthorized access

15. Ensure the client's PC is able to run Flash swfs locally:

icomnt14 Introducer

icomnt14 should have an active session to ensure all updates to W: are synced out to remote clients.

Logging in

Syncthing needs to be running on icomnt14 in order to ensure that updates to the W: drive are served out to remote devices.


Login remotely to CoreServer2016 (


Open Hyper-V console, connect to icomnt14 and login as Sync Thing user (Technical Password Insecure)


Run Synthing.exe from C:\Program Files (x86)\SyncTrayzor\

(leave it running)


(leave it running)

Introductions can be performed by icomnt14 using it's web interface:

  • http://localhost:8384/

GUI Auth User: (user AD username)

GUI Auth Pass: Welcome123