Content QA Pro Tips
Content QA Pro Tips
It is best to do three watches of the content, one for script, one for audio, one for Content.
Remember to check the Design document for treatment notes. The designers might not follow them exactly depending on what works best for the course and if the client changes their mind. The treatment notes don’t’ always get updated to reflect the final product but it may have some important information to keep in mind.
Sometimes the Design document will have text listed to appear on screen but not to be voiced. Good to verify in the Design document that it is or isn’t supposed to be voiced. No comment is necessary if it is listed as unvoiced in the Design document.
Keep an eye out for contractions. Make sure they match between the design document, text on screen and voice actor.
A common error that occurs when exporting a storyline course to HTML5 is when the user moves the seekbar it can interrupt the audio causing it to not play. Using the refresh button will fix audio that stops playing. Unfortunately no fix has been found to remedy this on the designer end other than locking the seekbar.
A limitation of storyline courses is that the quiz options do not automatically de-select if you get the answer wrong.
If unsure about something, it doesn’t hurt to ask the designer that submitted the QA task to clarify.
Sometimes when exporting to HTML 5, items are nudged over slightly from where their intended position is. A Good thing to check is to see if any white lines appear suddenly at the edges of screens.
If you like something, it’s alright to point out every once in a while, but they do tend to bog down a list of comments with information that isn’t really usable for checking afterwards.
Sometimes if a choice in the content feels a little odd, might be best to see how the designers did it in other places. Sometimes these choices are made to reflect previous courses in a suite and need to be the same across the board. Consistency in important across suite courses with how they function, even if there’s a better way to do the same thing, consistency comes first.
Watch for buttons becoming active before they should. Some courses have sub-pages that need to be viewed before the lesson is considered compelete. If the next button is active before all sub-pages are viewed, this could be an issue.