Stand Alone Course Launcher
What is it?
A custom launcher used to launch CD versions of courses. It allows for multiple courses to be launched from the same place.
Why use this solution?
It is good for people who don't have an internet connection or a poor one.
Technical Summary
Info Here.
Department Specific Info
Content Dev
Notes for content developers here.
The following will need to be translated for any version we create:
Is this you?
Display Name
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Support / Deployment
Interactives will need to make the launcher for you. Once you have it, you will need to change the learningpath.xml to direct the app to your course. It will look like this:
<path id="en">
<course code="suncor_anti_corruption_supplier" path="en\anti_corruption_supplier\start.exe">
Where "en" is your language. Change it to something intuitive for the one you are working with. eg sp for Spanish. This should be the name of your course folder as well. The course code is found in the structure file.
For an example of how this is set up, please go here: P:\Teams\Technical QA\Templates\Stand Alone Course Launcher
Notes for QA team here.
Notes for sales here.