Handling request to erase all personal data

Handling request to erase all personal data is a process for requests from users who want all their training records deleted.

Typical request

Database search

Connect to the eco/FiLMS database server using a SQL client and run this query

SELECT CONCAT("SELECT '",table_schema,"' as table_schema, login COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci AS login FROM `",table_schema,"`.users WHERE login = 'REPLACE_WITH_REQUESTOR_EMAIL_ADDRESS' UNION ") AS Delete_This_Row


WHERE table_name = 'user_details'

AND table_schema NOT LIKE '%schema' ;

Copy output and paste into a text editor

Remove the following:

  • Header row (if it exists)

  • All double quotes

  • "UNION" from the last row

Paste cleaned output & run as a query. This output should include the name of every FiLMS database (on that server) that contains the login indicated

User deletion

Visit the appropritate FILMS instance and delete the user indicated.

Notify requestor

Email the requestor and notify them:

ICOM does NOT store personal data from our users but all training records associated to your account were deleted from our systems.