FiLMS troubleshooting

How to add COURSES to FILMS?

Go to Content -> Courses -> Import Course (on the left side) - It will take you to this page.

Select "New" - if its a new course.

Select "Update" - if you are updating an existing course.

Select "Client" - if only one for one client. (in case of one particular business it will be "Client").

Select "Global" - if for all clients.

Select "Choose file" to upload the new course.

Enter course name in the text box.

Hit "Upload Course Package" to save.

How to add USERS to FILMS?

Go to People-> Users-> Add New User (on the left side) - It will take you to this page.

Select "client" from the Organization drop down menu.

Enter the "Display Name" for the user.

Enter the "Username Name" for the user, this will be used for login in so it can be email address.

Enter the "Password" for the user.

"Password Hint" is optional.

Check "Is Active".

Select "Language".

Select"Role" from the drop down menu.

Hit "Save".