Obsidian Energy

Obsidian Energy, formerly Penn West, is an ICOM client in the Shared FiLMS instance. Employees formerly used a system named SkillsTRAK but it appears this is over.


This client has the following products produced by ICOM:

Login API

Obsidian Login API Functionality





NO LONGER serves this client!

SkillsTRAK is an internet based application used by PennWest to track competencies for their employees and embedded contractors. That user audience links through to FiLMS courses through the SkillsTRAK web interface. FiLMS, through it's FM_BCI_Passthrough module, updates SkillsTRAK real-time with all edits to FiLMS enrolment data. SkillsTRAK must be configured to support this, however, and the process can take 3-5 days.

PennWest's SkillsTRAK contact needs to know the following about a course that is hoped to be tracked:

  • Official name of the course:
  • course_id
  • structure_id
  • curriculum_id

PennWest SkillsTRAK contact

  • Paul Bullock
  • Production Career Progression Supervisor
  • Cell: 780.618.2056
  • Dir: 780.542.8601
  • Email: Paul.Bullock@pennwest.com



This script accepts the following parameters, and validates they match the signature provided then launches the specified course as the specified user REQUIRED: organization_id - Organization to look the user up in. Each org may have their own key username - user login curriculum_id - curriculum id return_to - The URL to send the user back to once the course is closed OPTIONAL: create_enrollments - If the specified user isn't enrolled in the specified curriculum, should one be created? "true" for yes, anything else for no defaults to No create_user - If the specified user doesn't exist, create one? "true" for yes, anything else for no. defaults to Yes display_name - The display name for this user, human-friendly for reporting, etc. Required if create_user is true error_level - 1 for vague messages with error codes, 2 or above for detailed messages defaults to 1 Let's walk through an example You want to send Bill Rogers, with unique ID brogers to the Back Deck Safety course. * Back Deck Safety has a Curriculum ID of 124, according to FiLMS. * BCI's organization id is 41 * Once he's done, we want him to return to his SkillsTrack page, which we'll say is http://www.bci.com/SkillsTrack/homepage.jsp * We'll leave all the optional parameters as default. So the URL we want to hit is: http://bci.icomproductions.ca/includes/modules/FM_BCI_Passthrough/launchCourse.php?organization_id=41&username=brogers&display_name=Bill%20Rogers&curriculum_id=124&return_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bci.com%2FSkillsTrack%2Fhomepage.jsp So to figure out the signature to add, we take organization_id=41&username=brogers&display_name=Bill%20Rogers&curriculum_id=124&return_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bci.com%2FSkillsTrack%2Fhomepage.jsp We tack on the shared key, giving us organization_id=41&username=brogers&display_name=Bill%20Rogers&curriculum_id=124&return_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bci.com%2FSkillsTrack%2Fhomepage.jspS+ou*$*PI#T0_6rie_Oe!L7@6e+LuJO&5-0620TRIa?O01le5Oew0iUzIEprOaWO Then we do a SHA256 hash of that string, giving us: d4157527f9d04671132e3f07dc4f388e22eb26b636c173aa639d9411f01438ee So that's our signature. The final URL to hit looks like: http://bci.icomproductions.ca/includes/modules/FM_BCI_Passthrough/launchCourse.php?organization_id=41&username=brogers&display_name=Bill%20Rogers&curriculum_id=124&return_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bci.com%2FSkillsTrack%2Fhomepage.jsp&signature=d4157527f9d04671132e3f07dc4f388e22eb26b636c173aa639d9411f01438ee Sends update back to their system on edit/add enrollments if different from existing we want to post data to the portal that the given enrollment has changed Include the following pieces of info: -username -films curriculum id -ID of course provider (us, 3517) -grade -status eg: https://ctest3.beyondcompliance.ca/car/servlet/SkillsTRAK.SubmitTraining?username=brogers&curriculum_id=124&provider=3517&grade=80&status=passed Application setting "Portal submission URL" is The URL of the script to sumbit enrollment status to. currently set to https://www.beyondcompliance.ca/car/servlet/SkillsTRAK.SubmitTraining


The completions submission to SkillsTrak is real-time.

URL: https://www.beyondcompliance.ca/car/servlet/SkillsTRAK.SubmitTraining


username => Patty.Daggett@pennwest.com

curriculum_id => 3575

provider => 3517

grade =>

status => complete

FiLMS Trackable Media CD (optional)

FiLMS Trackable Media CDs are provided upon request. These CDs depend upon the production course codes.

FiLMS Trackable Media USB Stick (not currently in use)

Offline Certificate Validation through FiLMS



  • Completes a course without internet connection, clicks certificate icon
  • Prompted with a message to phone support number provided and shows them their user name, display name, course code, completion date, and validation code to tell the agent.

Support Agent

  • Receives call from learner, confirms Pennwest cd learner phoning for certificate unlock, asks user to wait before bringing up tool.
  • From top menu under “Education” and “Offline Certificate Validator”
  • Confirm with learner that certificate prompt with information is visible to learner
  • Ask for username, course code, select completion date, and Validation code / user code
  • Click “Validate” , confirms user inputs above and code, and if learner doesn’t have an account in FiLMS it will prompt Support agent to enter the learners “Display Name”
  • Once “Valid” then click “Complete” that creates learner, enrols them and completes their progress in the LMS and provides “Certificate Unlock Code” for the learner to receive over the phone and enter to unlock their certificate for printing.
  • Once unlocked they can always go back into the course and access their certificate.
  • validCertByPhone
  • shows the prompt to have user phone to submit code/completion but still print cert
  • validCertByPhoneUnlock
  • needs unlock code from phone support before able to print cert
  • <COURSE_COMPLETION>http://pennwest.icomproductions.ca/includes/modules/FM_ExternalAPI/scripts/set_enrollment.php</COURSE_COMPLETION> <userInfoSource></userInfoSource> <courseCompleteMessageText></courseCompleteMessageText> <showCertificateOnError>true</showCertificateOnError> <showErrorPrompt>false</showErrorPrompt> <validCertByPhone>true</validCertByPhone> <validCertByPhoneUnlock>true</validCertByPhoneUnlock>