Imperial Orientation Portal

Imperial Orientation Portal is an eco instance for the client Imperial Oil.


Client Admin

The following persons are authorized to make requests for material changes to their eco instance:


Every effort should be made to troubleshoot all incidents by using this documentation. If all else fails, document your troubleshooting steps in detail and then escalate to:

  • eco Product owner


Legacy data

This FiLMS instance populates enrollment data using a table of Legacy data from another system. Custom Report #2 exists so we can peek at the Legacy data that the self-registration module uses to populate FiLMS enrollments:

The report includes 3 columns for each Curriculum. Property codes:

  • C = Completion date

  • E = Expiry

  • G = Grade

The number following the property code is the curriculum_id, for example: C07 => 2019-05-03 means that the user completed an enrollment for CurrId9 in May 2019

Business rules

Employee training

Note: Some users mistakenly register to the Imperial Oil - Employees Group then email us that they can't find their courses. Please verify which company they work for first then re-assign them to that group once they are in fact a Contractor working for Imperial.

Merging Users

The typical FiLMS User Merge will not work for tracking IDs and will still do it's function but WILL NOT carry over tracking ids and completed achievements. Please do the following:

If "" has all the achievements but they insist on using the name "" ...

a) Rename login of to

b) Rename login of to

c) Delete

d) Password reset to whatever and inform the user


added a private note

14 hours ago (Mon, 22 Feb 2021 at 6:34 PM)

Notified to:"ICOM Support" <>, "Frigon Lance" <>

Yes Employees take Security Awareness in another Learning Mgt System ( Career Connect) and Mine Orientation is taken in another LMS - WEbCAT