Mark's e-Cubed

Mark's e-Cubed is a highly customized FiLMS instance.




3D Store Topics


Courses can be arranged on the 3D store under topics but must be arranged in a particular way.

The 3D store Shockwave Flash file appears to look for certain topics in FiLMS.

  • #2) Introduction
    • Located both outside the store and at the front
    • Name can be changed but not the ID
  • Floor topics
    • #3 through 12) Floor topics
    • Represented on the store floor only after the roof comes off
    • Names can be changed but not the IDs
    • Hard-coded child topics
  • Specialty
    • #97) L&D
      • No changes allowed
      • Hard-coded child topics
    • #109) In-Store Activities
      • No changes allowed
      • Hard-coded child topics

Course assignment

Introduction has no child topics so courses can be associated directly to it in order to be displayed under that topic

ID#3-12, L&D plus In-Store Activities have hard-coded child topics. Assign courses to the child topics only.

After each topic change:

  • Delete cached menus on the FiLMS server: /includes/cache/*
  • Clear end-user browser cache
  • Logout
  • Log back in

District realignment

Some issues (especially reports) can be caused by lack of maintenance in FiLMS. To ensure everything in FiLMS is sync with the clients' system, ICOM Support Team need to get the following info from client:

Mark's Reports ~ Add/Remove Phases

Mark's has a unique reporting module called Mark's Reports. They may request that new phases are added or old ones are removed.




FROM `fm_marksreports_phase_curriculum_assn` AS mpc

LEFT JOIN fm_marksreports_phases AS mp

ON = mpc.phase_id

LEFT JOIN curriculums AS cu

ON = mpc.curriculum_id

LEFT JOIN structures AS s

ON = cu.structure_id

LEFT JOIN courses AS c

ON = s.course_id

WHERE cu.is_visible = 0

OR s.is_active = 0

OR c.is_active = 0


Respect in the Workplace failures

Respect in the Workplace is built by Mark's and the support it from a technical standpoint.


Known Issues