
FM_CalendarEvents Documentation

FM_CalendarEvents is a FiLMS module designed to allow system and organization to allow users to subscribe and unsubscribe to Calendar Events created in the module. These calendar events are then exported as an ICal file per user based on what Calendar Events that user has subscribed for.


    1. Log into the FiLMS instance you wish to install FM_CalendarEvents on as a system administrator
    2. In the top menu hover over the menu option “FiLMS”
    3. Then click the “Manage Modules” option in bar below the top menu
    4. Then find the module with the name FM_CalendarEvents in the Manage Modules list
    5. Then in that row click on the “+” box in the Organizations column.
    6. Click “Install” by the organization you wish to install FM_CalendarEvents in (Note FM_CalendarEvents must be installed on a specific organization)


    1. Log into the FiLMS instance you wish to uninstall FM_CalendarEvents on as a system administrator
    2. In the top menu hover over the menu option “FiLMS”
    3. Then click the “Manage Modules” option in bar below the top menu
    4. Then find the module with the name FM_CalendarEvents in the Manage Modules list.
    5. Then in that row click on the “+” box in the Organizations column.
    6. Click “Uninstall” by the organization you wish to install FM_CalendarEvents in. (Note FM_CalendarEvents must be uninstalled on a specific organization)

List Calendar Events

    1. Log into the FiLMS instance you wish to list its Calendar Events
    2. Login as system administrator to see all Calendar Events from all organizations or organization administrator to see all Calendar Events from that organization managed
    3. In the top menu hover over the menu option “Content”
    4. Then click the “Calendar Events” option in bar below the top menu
    5. The following page should list all the Calendar Events in accordance to the permissions that user has

Create a New Calendar Event

    1. Log into the FiLMS instance you wish to create a Calendar Event in
    2. In the top menu hover over the menu option “Content”
    3. Then click the “Calendar Events” option in bar below the top menu
    4. On the next page click on the option “Create a New Calendar Event” in the left sidebar
    5. On the next page you will be presented with a form. Fill this form in with your calendar events information. Keep in mind the “Start Date” and “End Date” fields in data with respect to the UTC time format. If you are confused in convert to your organization time zone format use
    6. When finished click “Save”
    7. Your calendar event should now be created and be listed

Editing a Calendar Event

    1. Log into the FiLMS instance you wish to edit a Calendar Event in.
    2. In the top menu hover over the menu option “Content”
    3. Then click the “Calendar Events” option in bar below the top menu
    4. In the next page you will be presented with your list of Calendar Events. Click “edit” in the edit column of the Calendar Events row you wish to edit.
    5. On the next page you will be presented with a form. Edit this form with your calendar events information. Keep in mind the “Start Date” and “End Date” fields in data with respect to the UTC time format. If you are confused in convert to your organization time zone format use
    6. When finished click “Save”
    7. Your calendar event should now be created and be listed

Subscribing to a Calendar Event

    1. Ensure the user wishing the subscribe to a Calendar Events is logged in to a FiLMS instance.
    2. Then navigate to the url: /includes/modules/FM_CalendarEvents/post/subscribe.php?calendar_event_id=CAL_EVENT_ID

Filling In According:

CAL_EVENT_ID - The calendar event id you wish to subscribe to. These are listed in the list of Calendar Events see List Calendar Events above.

CAL_EVENT_ID - The calendar event id you wish to unsubscribe to. These are listed in the list of Calendar Events see List Calendar Events above.

USER_ID - The id of the user of the events calendar you wish to export.


    1. The iCalendar now should be automatically downloaded

Downloading Events Calendar for Current User logged in

    1. Navigate to the url:



2. The iCalendar now should be automatically downloaded

Downloading specified Calendar Event

    1. Navigate to the url:


Filling in accordingly:

FILMS_DOMAIN - The domain of the FiLMS instance you are on.

CAL_EVENT_ID - The calendar event id you wish to download. These are listed in the list of Calendar Events see List Calendar Events above.


2. The Calendar Event now should be automatically downloaded

Adding Events Calendar Subscription to Google Calendar

    1. Log into your Google account you wish to add the subscription too. Also, ensure the user will be logged into FiLMS as well.
    2. Navigate to the url:


Filling in accordingly:

FILMS_DOMAIN - The domain of the FiLMS instance you are on.

3. Now you will be redirected to Google Calendar to add the user’s event calendar


NOTE: Google only updates calendars from FM_CalendarEvents 8 - 24 hours. Be sure to update your Calendar Events in advance in order for users to see changes on their Google Calendars.

Adding Events Calendar Subscription to Outlook Calendar

    1. Log into your Outlook account you wish to add the subscription too. Also, ensure the user will be logged into FiLMS as well.
    2. Navigate to the url:


Filling in accordingly:

FILMS_DOMAIN - The domain of the FiLMS instance you are on.

3. Now you will be redirected to Google Calendar to add the user’s event calendar


NOTE: Outlook only updates calendars from FM_CalendarEvents 8 - 24 hours. Be sure to update your Calendar Events in advance in order for users to see changes on their Google Calendars.