Appogee Leave

Appogee Leave is an online leave, also known as vacation, management system that integrates with ICOM’s G Suite. Click here to open Appogee Leave.


Appogee Leave can be accessed by first logging into your ICOM Google Apps account using Google Chrome and then locating the Google App Launcher (#1 in figure 1). Click More (#2 in figure 1). It should bring you here.

Figure 1: Google Apps Launcher

Figure 2: Appogee Leave link

Clicking Appogee Leave will open it in a new tab and your My Dashboard will load, with it’s Year At A Glance, to start you off.

If you are ever logged out of Appogee Leave, by accident, do not try to login with your Email. Click “Log in with Google Apps”, instead.

Leave Types

Appogee Leave recognizes two main types of leave:

  • Paid and Unpaid leave
  • Paid leave will draw down your vacation allowance.
  • There are 4 types of Unpaid Leave
  • You will be paid for leave types: Bereavement, Vacation Carryover from prior year, and Jury Duty*
  • You will not be paid for leave type: Unpaid Leave
  • Unpaid leave types do not draw down your vacation allowance

Paid Leave


  • Allowances
    • Under 5 years = 15 days/year
    • Over 5 and under 10 years = 20 days/year
    • Over 10 years = 25 days/year
  • Pro-rated from start date

Unpaid Leave


  • Death of an immediate family - 3 to 5 days
  • Paid for salaried employees only
  • Does not affect vacation allowance

Unpaid Leave

  • Any leave of absence
  • Does not affect vacation allowance
  • Requires approval from Team Lead and Greg
  • Unpaid leave over 10 days within the calendar year will disqualify you from profit share

Vacation carryover from prior year

  • Carryover form must be approved by HR
  • Maximum of 5 days can be carried over
  • Carryover days must be used by March 31st of the following year

Jury Duty*

  • Provide ICOM with a copy of the summons
  • Pay will be determined on a case by case basis
  • Does not affect vacation allowance


  • Allowance of 5 days available
  • Additional sick days must be submitted as vacation days
  • If there are no vacation days remaining then additional sick days must be submitted as unpaid leave

My Dashboard

The first page that loads when entering Appogee Leave should be your My Dashboard.


Year At A Glance

Under the Overview tab, you will find the Year At A Glance for the current calendar year. Months are displayed allow the Y-axis while days are displayed along the X-axis. The following can be displayed on your Year At A Glance:

    • Current day cells will be highlighted in orange
      • Open day cells will be white
      • Weekend cells will be light gray
      • Unavailable day cells, eg: Feb 31st, will be dark grey
      • Pending Leave cells, in yellow.
    • Ask your supervisor to approve these and they'll turn green
      • Approved Leave cells, in green
    • Do not come to work on these days
      • Sickness cell, in red. Drink plenty of fluids
      • Public holidays, yellow sun. Enjoy freedom

My Leave Allowance

The My Leave Allowance table will tell you how many you have available to request Leave for.

My Sickness Allowance

The My Sickness Allowance table will tell you how many you if you are over your sickness allocation

My Requests

To view your outstanding Leave requests, visit the My Requests tab on My Dashboard.

Team Calendar

To view the Leave of your team members, visit Team Calendar on My Dashboard.

Common employee tasks

Leave Request

A request for Leave can be performed from MY DASHBOARD by either clicking on the button New Request or by clicking on the appropriate day on the Year At A Glance calendar.

Different types of Leave are available, so select the one most appropriate. They include:



Jury Service

Unpaid Leave

To submit a Leave Request the system needs to know the type of Leave and when you'd like to take off.

Requested time lists the number of days that your date selection would total if approved.

Leave Remaining displays your current allowance.

To request a half day, click Advanced Options and then the day you would like half off.

The system will ask you to include a brief reason for the request.

You can optionally set an Google Mail Out-of-office reply by checkmarking the checkbox Auto set GMail out of office?

Confirm your request.

Your supervisor will be sent an email containing your request and your Year At A Glance will be updated.

When approved, the time will display green.

Allowance Exceeded

Ensure that the requested time of your request does NOT exceed your allowance. If it does you will notice a warning in red.

New Sickness Report

To report sick, select a request type of Sickness. If you belong to a team with other employees, you can choose to report sickness for yourself or someone else.

Clarify the date.

Your supervisor will be notified of your report.

Common Supervisor tasks

Leave Request requires your Approval

A request for Leave requires Approval by a supervisor. The supervisor will receive an email notifying them of the request.

Clicking the link labelled "login to the Appogee Leave system" will open the Leave request.

Before deciding to Approve you can check for "Clashes," or other employees on your team who may already have that time approved as Leave.

A comment can be left when approving.

Request exceeding allowance

Employees can submit a request for Leave that exceeds their allowance. This need to be rejected.

Sickness Report requires Closure

A Sickness Report requires closure by a supervisor. The supervisor will receive an email notifying them of the report.

Clicking the link labelled "login to the Appogee Leave system" will open the Sickness report.

A comment is required.

Other resources
