PGi Audio Conferencing

PGi, or Premiere Global Services, Inc., is a multinational corporation and global provider of conferencing and collaboration solutions

Audio conferencing

PGi is a provider of Audio conferencing. The service is used by Sales, PM/ID, the Executive & Team Leads. Each user has their own individual account to access the service. Each account has it's own Host passcode, guest passcode and web portal login.


Pay-as-you-go at a rate of $0.09/caller/minute.

Dial-in numbers

Web Admin Portal:



    • Client ID:

      • 4026234

    • Web Password:

      • ClaireRobb1

    • Email:


In case of emergency:

Claire's codes:

  • Host: 301354749

  • Guest: 683178466

Mark Johnson's codes:

  • Host: 247957316

  • Guest: 458442023

PGi support:

Administration >> Client Management >> Add a Client