Ascension Systems INC.

Ascension Systems Inc. (ASI) was established to assist organizations in creating or improving WorkFace Planning systems for the execution of large oil and gas construction projects.

List of Products

This client has the following products produced by ICOM:


All photos used in ASI courses must be approved by the client. All pictures of field workers MUST be wearing a hardhat, eye protection, long sleeves, and gloves at a minimum, no exceptions! All approved photos used in past ASI courses have been accumulated to this location, and may be used freely.

  • Y:\ASI\FUNdamentals\Image\Original

Unique technical Course Requirements

Exams reshuffle questions upon failure, had issues within FiLMS lms as it uses an external script to populate quiz but brain changes were made to make the re-request on failure.




Absorb Anywhere LMS

