Course Configurations
Course configurations are the list of configuration settings for courses running on FiLMS. They are shared between multiple courses, but for all intents and purposes they take the place of the FiLMS ini file when a course is hosted on FiLMS. These configurations have different effects on different course types (i.e. ICOM Flash vs. Non-ICOM Flash)
You can see and change which configuration a course is using by viewing the course structure on FiLMS. Do not change settings within any of the predefined course configurations under any circumstance. They are shared between all the courses on FiLMS, so if you change a setting it will affect any course that uses the config you are changing, which will have very undesirable effects.
If you need a different set of configuration options for a specific course, those can be created on the FiLMS site you are using by someone who has administrative rights. Please ensure that deployment is told about any special configuration you are using when deploying the course, as they will have to create one on the client FiLMS site to match.
Course Config and ICOM Flash Courses
When an ICOM Flash course is running on FiLMS, it gets it's configuration settings in the following way:
- Course loads the films_ini file (and the structureand brainconfig files).
- Course applies settings from films_ini file.
- Course loads settings from the FiLMS course configuration.
- Settings from the course config override any duplicate settings from the FiLMS ini.
If you've ever had something configured one way in the FiLMS_ini (like a translated dialogue or mastery score) and then had it behave differently on FiLMS, this is the reason.
Course Config and Non-Flash Courses
When a non-icom flash course is loaded into FiLMS, the course config is only used in one spot - the mastery score. If your course is submitting a score and/or interactions (question tracking) to the LMS, but the desired tracking is "completed/incomplete" instead of "pass/failed", the LMS may attempt to use the course config to evaluate whether the course was passed or failed. To avoid this, we've created a special course configuration on QA3 called "No Mastery". After uploading your course, you can select this course config in the structure view of the course.
Selecting a Course Config
To change which configuration your course is using on FiLMS:
- Log into FiLMS
- Go to Content->Courses
- Click View by the course you are working with
- Click Structures from the left hand menu
- Click View by the structure for the course
- Find the dropdown with the title "COURSE CONFIGURATION"
- Select the appropriate configuration.
NOTE: If you have already launched the course with an old configuration file, you will need to clear your cache to see the change take effect. It is recommended that you also reset your enrollment before doing any tests that involve completing the course again (as your config changes will not change any previously earned completion status, etc.)
Deploying a Course with a Customized Course Config
Please specify that the course requires a special config in the deployment ticket. Please include the name / id of the specific configuration required.