Client Services

Client Services

Product Support

New client? Transition client to support

IT Support

Special Projects
ICOM Website

FiLMS Product Consulting


Client Support

For more information on how calls are handled, click here.

For more information about Support procedures, click here.

Course Deployments

Course deployments are the task of delivering an ICOM course from its Quality Assurance system, QA FiLMS, to a Production system where it can be taken by it's Intended User Audience.

For more information about Course Deployment procedures, click here.

Quality Assurance

For more information, click here.

FiLMS Product Consulting

Technical support to the Sales teams selling FiLMS. Contact for more information:

Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)

The Canadian Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program (SRED or SR&ED) provides support in the form of tax credits and/or refunds, to corporations, partnerships or individuals who conduct scientific research or experimental development in Canada.

Contact for more information: