Brain 3 FiLMS_ini Settings
FiLMS ini settings and options:
- language
- userType
- close_window
- fadeTime
- completion_percentage
- beta_feedback
- startOnLoad
- showErrorPrompt
- error_title
- retryTimeDelay
- roles_lesson
- feedback_flash
- use_preloader
- exitCourseTitle
- exitCourseMessage
- lessonLockedTitle
- lessonLockedMessage
- alertOK
- alertCANCEL
- alertYES
- alertNO
- commitLevel
- incompleteExitMessage
- mastery_score
- cert_inLesson
- cert_autoprint
- cert_maxWidth
- cert_maxWalletWidth
- additionalParameters
- userType
- showCertificate
- userInfoSource
- completionPercentage
- useCourseExit
- useStartOnLoad
- errorMessage
- errorTitle
- showResumePrompt
- useFrameBookmarking
- useUserVerify
- isCourseCD
- interfaceFile
- isLockBypass
- lockNavigation
- useBetaFeedback
- seperatedSCOs
- trackSeperateInteractions
- saveLocal
- language
- playPercentage
- currentVolume
- fadeTime
- close_window
<exitCourseTitleText> Exit Course </exitCourseTitleText> <exitCourseMessageText> Are you sure you want to exit the course? </exitCourseMessageText> <exitCourseIncompleteMessageText> Your course is incomplete, are you sure you still want to exit? </exitCourseIncompleteMessageText> <scoredText> You Scored </scoredText> <lessonLockedMessageText> Lesson is locked until all lessons before are completed. </lessonLockedMessageText> <lessonLockedTitleText> Lesson Locked </lessonLockedTitleText> <resumePromptText> Would you like to resume your progress? </resumePromptText> <welcomeText> Welcome </welcomeText> <demoText> You are Currently in Demo Mode.\n Your progress will not be recorded </demoText> <progressLoadedText> Your progress has been loaded. </progressLoadedText> <alreadyCompletedText> You have already completed this. </alreadyCompletedText> <userInfoTitleText> Set User Information </userInfoTitleText> <userInfoInstructionsText> Please enter your information, then click Save. </userInfoInstructionsText> <userInfoFNameText> First Name: </userInfoFNameText> <userInfoLNameText> Last Name: </userInfoLNameText> <userInfoIdText> Enter User ID </userInfoIdText> <courseCompleteMessageText> Course is Complete.\nPlease click course exit button. </courseCompleteMessageText> <courseCompleteTitleText> Completion Tracked </courseCompleteTitleText> <userInfoCorrectText> Is this user information correct? </userInfoCorrectText> <closingCourseText> Closing Course... </closingCourseText> <lessonLockedText> LESSON LOCKED </lessonLockedText> <lessonNextText> NEXT LESSON </lessonNextText> <pleaseWaitQuizText> Please wait while the course submits its results. </pleaseWaitQuizText> <sendToLMSTitleText> Sending Course Completion </sendToLMSTitleText> <sendToLMSMessageText> Sending course completion to be recorded, please wait. </sendToLMSMessageText> <sendToLMSErrorTitleText> Sending Course Completion Error </sendToLMSErrorTitleText> <sendToLMSErrorMessageText> Your completion has NOT been submitted.\nEither you do not have an internet connection or there has been a system error.\nPlease establish an internet connection and then click 'Try Again'.\nIf your internet connection is good please contact support with a screenshot of this error. </sendToLMSErrorMessageText> <attemptedRetryText> This quiz is limited to %d attempt(s). \nWhen you're ready, please click start to attempt quiz. </attemptedRetryText> <failedMasteryText> You must score at least %d%% to pass the quiz. </failedMasteryText> <attemptsRemainingText> There are %d attempt(s) remaining. </attemptsRemainingText> <failedPercentText> Sorry. You have have scored %d%%. </failedPercentText> <quizReviewInstructionText> Click \"Review\" to review the lessons and retake the questions that were answered incorrect. </quizReviewInstructionText> <quizRestartMessageText> Would you like to restart this quiz? </quizRestartMessageText> <trueText> True </trueText> <falseText> False </falseText> <expiryMessageText> This course is now expired. </expiryMessageText> ---- NEWLY DOCUMENTED ---- -- Set both of these settings false if the LMS does not support interactions -- <trackQuizResponse> true </trackQuizResponse> <submitInteractionHistory> true </submitInteractionHistory> -- Set to false if the LMS in question does not support objectives -- <useObjectives> true </useObjectives> -- Set to true if the LMS in question requires a status of 'passed' in order to consider the training complete, but the course does not have a test inside it. -- --added in brain 3.9 experimental <usePassedStatus> false </usePassedStatus> -- Set to true to force the brain to regularly push data to the LMS on a timer. -- --added in brain 3.9 experimental <useLMSPing>false</useLMSPing> -- Change this value when using <useLMSPing>true</useLMSPing> to adjust how often the timed data commit occurs. The default is every 240000 milliseconds, or every 4 minutes. This is sufficient in most cases, and the value can be left out of the ini file if you are not customizing it.-- <LMSPingFrequency>240000</LMSPingFrequency>