Flash Update Introduces Bugs [Flashplayer -]
Post date: Sep 20, 2016 9:37:20 PM
In Flash players 22.0.0 - (not inclusive), an issue was introduced by Adobe whereby various external assets (images, sounds, xml files, etc.) would not load. This was a part of a security fix they were attempting to implement, but broke MANY eLearning vendor's content.
Bugbase article: https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=4165783
Forum Post: https://forums.adobe.com/message/8834289
Fixed in version: and onwards
Affected Products:
- All ICOM Flash courseware has the potential for issue here, but this is most prevalent in rapid development content, as all resources are loaded dynamically. This is only an issue when the content is run in the range of affected browsers.