Huskylearns Learning Log Course Package Configuration


This is mandatory for Huskylearns ICOM courses that use learning log, especially when FM_Learning Log module is installed into FiLMS. Below shows the steps required to configure ICOM course to be compatible with Learning Log.

Modifying Interface.fla

  • Grab a copy of interface fla file of a specific course, along with and icomAS2 folder. For Husky courses, the interface fla file can be grabbed from Y:\Husky\_templates.
  • Open Y:\ICOM Productions\__TEMPLATES__\Interface 3.0\__Brain3_Template_Interface and grab all the code from 'Stage' layer
  • Open the interface fla file that you just copied and replace all the code in the 'Stage' layer
  • Change the stage size to 900px and 675px. Don't forget to unlock and show all the layers so that you can align all movieclips etc to the center
  • Don't forget to change the staging size into the replaced code and add these following inside updateStage():
if(Stage.height > _root.MovieH) TopMMC._y = -((H - _root.MovieH) / 2);

else TopMMC._y = 0; if(Stage.height > _root.MovieH) TopRMC._y = -((H - _root.MovieH) / 2); else TopRMC._y = 0; if(Stage.height > _root.MovieH) TopLMC1._y = -((H - _root.MovieH) / 2); else TopLMC1._y = 0;

  • Compile it and you're done!

Modifying index.html

These code must be added to the javascript inside your course index.html page (otherwise the learning log's notes won't be functioning properly):

function newSCOnotes(lessonIdx){ var my_parent = window.parent; if ("function" === typeof my_parent.parent.autoChangeNotes) { my_parent.parent.autoChangeNotes(lessonIdx); } }

Line 328 - inside case "LMSFinish"

if ("function" === typeof window.parent.parent.saveNotes) { window.parent.parent.saveNotes(); }

Inside SWFObject configuration - just after the function addParam()

fo.addParam("wmode" ,"opaque");

List of files in Course Package needed to be replaced:

  • films.swf - found in Y:\ICOM Productions\__TEMPLATES__\brain 3.0\_3.87 Experimental
  • scorm12.swf - found in Y:\ICOM Productions\__TEMPLATES__\brain 3.0\_3.87 Experimental
  • interface/interface.swf - after you make modification in interface
  • load.swf - replaced with load900x675.swf. This can be found in Y:\ICOM Productions\__TEMPLATES__\load Sizes