Call handling
Call handling is how ICOM's Service Desk handles requests.
Process Model
Identification & Logging
"Before we get into trying to troubleshoot your issue, I'll need to ask you a couple quick questions ..."
Who is impacted?
One person, what's unique about this guy?
One group, are they in the same geographic area?
Everybody, so this could mean a serious system/server issue?
What is URL/app version being used?
It's important to be working on the correct system - sometimes a client may have multiple apps with us
If you wind up escalating your Expert Technical Support Group will need this
List available below in "eco/FiLMS/Web Hosting - Instance Inventory"
What were they trying to accomplish?
To identify the issue it might help to understand what they were trying to do before bad things happened
What is their browser/OS?
Web apps behave differently in different browsers
Some housekeeping to track trends in tickets
Is this an emergency?
Priority * more info
Low (low user count &/or low damage growth)
Medium (medium user count &/or medium damage growth)
High (high user count &/or high damage growth)
Response & Diagnosis
Can you reproduce the issue with the client still on the phone?
Can you resolve the issue with them still on the phone?
Can you provide a workaround they can use while we find a solution?
Your resources
Knowledge Base
Search for the client name under Clients in the left sidebar under "Documentation"
Check "Categories of User Request", below on this page
No luck?
Identify most appropriate Expert Technical Group
Include troubleshooting steps taken
Attach screenshots and/or error messages
Resolution & Recovery
Follow-up with the assigned Expert Technical Group periodically
Retest to ensure resolution
Ensure the client is satisfied with solution offered
Ensure there is nothing more they require on this topic
Categories of User Request (Escalation Paths)
Random coding
1. Austin