ICOM File Manager

ICOM File Manager is a web application used by ICOM to transfer files from its clients. URL: http://files.icomproductions.ca

Warning! This service will be discontinued in July 2020. As of May 12, 2020 new client accounts should be setup in ICOM NextCloud.

Due to limited hard drive capacity, files can only be stored for 3 months (unless an exception has been acknowledged)

Client usage

Client login

  • Click the grey checkmark to reveal the Client Login
  • Input provided Username & Password
  • Click Login


  • Browse for the desired file
  • Checkmark
  • Click Download


  • Click Upload
  • Choose your local file
  • Click Upload file(s)

Admin usage

Warning! Due to limited hard drive capacity, files can only be stored for 3 months (unless an exception has been acknowledged)

Admin login

  • Click the grey tools icon to reveal the Admin Login
  • Input admin credentials
    • User: icom
    • Pass: 1c0md3m0
  • Click Login

Create New Account

  • Click on Create New Account (left sidebar >> User Management)
  • Fill in the Add New Client form
    • Login
      • Choose a name that clearly identifies the client
      • May not contain any special characters, use A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space and _
    • Password, choose a password for this client
    • Directory, ensure this matches the Login
    • Rights:
      • Upload
      • Download
      • Pack
      • Notes
      • Move / Copy
      • Rename
      • MkDir
      • Delete
  • Click Add Client

Change a Client Password

  • Checkmark the Account you wish to edit
  • Click on Edit Account (left sidebar >> User Management)
  • Change the password in the Edit Client Details pop-up and then click Add Client

Disable a Client Account

  • Checkmark the Account you wish to edit
  • Click on Edit Account (left sidebar >> User Management)
  • Checkmark Disabled in the bottom left of the Edit Client Details pop-up
  • Click Add Client

File retention

Files older than 3 months will be routinely deleted in order to make more space for other users. Current file deletion exceptions:

Requesting file deletion exception

To request a File deletion exception: