Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL)
CNRL is an ICOM client with a FiLMS Contractor Portal and their own AI Talent LMS for employees.
Canadian Natural Contractor Portal
AI Talent (3rd Party LMS)
CNRL's 3rd party LMS is called AI Talent. It is based on SCORM Cloud. This means it can handle any configuration of Flash courses including objectives and interactions. We still turn them off though.
CNRL produces their own e-Learning for FiLMS and AI Talent using Adobe Captivate. It has a cheat:
Hi Mark
Sorry not to have gotten back earlier – was on holidays.
Generally, I’ve put in a shortcut, hidden click box on the slide right after the start, where it says “How to Use This Learning Tool, or Click the Continue Button” either the slide pauses or continues, so you may only have a short time to use it.
This is the WHMIS 2015 v8 course. The hidden click box is over the setting sun. You can click/double click it to skip to the end.
Hope this is useful.
Thanks, Jerv
CNRL can’t access our FTP so they have set one up with us primarily for sending the non-tracking versions of courses
Protocol: SFTP
Username: icomprod
Password: Xsw2edc3
As per Colleen:
Click Horizon->Icom Productions ->
Course Name (subject)
-> FROM Icom
-> TO Icom
Note from Stacey:
Style guide is updated in the deployment section and ID/PM section. Delivering this package to her this morning! Also Ken I confirmed that she received all the packages we made that were listed as outdated so YAY less work for us! No need to create CDs/USBs anymore either as I talked her into just the links on the FTP. Wins for all!
Deactivated FiLMS Instances
Used by Horizon employees (Deactivated. This link now redirects to their new LMS, AI Talent)
Doc created by Tech:
CNRL Training
Used by Thermal/Conventional (Deactivated. This link now redirects to their new LMS, AI Talent)
Enrollment Export should run as part of the CRON. In event of failure, manually run:
User list:
Ken's old Naming convention
Keep the name consistent in all the following groups:
Course name
Structure name
The following fields will have the same name with either CNRL_ or Horizon_ in front. This will indicate if the audience in Horizon only or Corp wide.
Curriculum name
Class name
Use UAT in the name only for UAT
If it is deactivated
1. Include “_DEACTIVATE” at the end of the course, structure, curriculum and class names
2. Change the Structure code and the course code to end in an “_D”. If the same course has been deactivated more than once the Letter will “_D1” or “_D2” etc.
The following fields will have the same name with either CNRL_ or Horizon_ in front. This will indicate if the audience in Horizon only or Corp wide.
Curriculum name
Class name
Use UAT in the name only for UAT
If it is deactivated
1. Include “_DEACTIVATE” at the end of the course, structure, curriculum and class names
2. Change the Structure code and the course code to end in an “_D”. If the same course has been deactivated more than once the Letter will “_D1” or “_D2” etc.
Curriculum name
Class name
Use UAT in the name only for UAT
If it is deactivated
1. Include “_DEACTIVATE” at the end of the course, structure, curriculum and class names
2. Change the Structure code and the course code to end in an “_D”. If the same course has been deactivated more than once the Letter will “_D1” or “_D2” etc.
Class name
Use UAT in the name only for UAT
If it is deactivated
1. Include “_DEACTIVATE” at the end of the course, structure, curriculum and class names
2. Change the Structure code and the course code to end in an “_D”. If the same course has been deactivated more than once the Letter will “_D1” or “_D2” etc.
Live courses will simply be the course name and the Structure code will not be followed by the Letter D
On the Deployment doc we will have to identify (request) this somehow
Go forward;
Change the deployment document to reflect these changes
Copy to Vicky, Lara, ICOM, and in the process file
CNRL Laptops
ICOM setup 2 laptops for CNRL's use. Runbook: