FiLMS Certificate Source

FiLMS Certificate source files can be edited to produce new certificate Adobe Flash swfs.


The zip attached below has a template, required libraries and a couple examples included. Adobe Flash CS5 is required to edit. Appropriate external ActionScript files and libraries required to publish new certificate swf.

Date format

Formats of dates can be changed here:

Scene 1 > Actions (layer)

// example date strings:

// var dateFormatString = "3D 3M d, y"; //returns Sat Oct 31, 2009

// var dateFormatString = "m/d/Y"; //returns 10/30/09

// var dateFormatString = "D M d, y"; //returns Saturday October 31, 2009

// var dateFormatString = "D M d, y, t z A "; //returns Saturday October 31, 2009, 3:00:00 PM GMT-0700

var dateFormatString = "D M d, y";


Scene 1 > Actions (layer)

// For a certificate with all 3 orientations

var layouts:Array = ["wallet","landscape","portrait"];

Scene 1 > Actions (layer)

// For ONLY landscape

var layouts:Array = ["landscape"];

FiLMS-driven Graphical elements

In order for the FiLMS Certificate Viewer to write parameters to the certificate swf properly, the elements listed below must be named exactly as shown, eg: txtTitle.





Certificate Title

User Name

Date earned

Date expiry (optional)

Font embedding

End-user web browser may mangle fonts unless they are embedded.

Allow smoothing

Right-click the properties of your images in the Library. They will pixelate unless smoothed.