WebCAT is a web application that serves as a CMS. It is NOT a full-fledged LMS. It is non-SCORM compliant, just a CMS that launches non tracked resources and a test built in their LMS used for tracking.

Converting non-tracking web course

Non-Tracking Web Course conversion to Syncrude Webcat LMS.

Identify if brain 2.5 or 3.0 (new ones should be 3.0)

  • 2.5 “FiLMS.swf”
  • 3.0 “films.swf”

Copy files from proper brain type update folder into the courses folder

  • P:\Teams\Technical QA\2013\Syncrude\_3rd Party LMS Non Tracking\_Syncrude Webcat Deployment Files

If brain 2.5 open up structure.xml in a text editor and find/replace lock="Y" to lock="N" to unlock course and vcrState="watched" to vcrState="on” to allow them to scrub around.


  • launch course looks good
  • Able to scrub the timeline
  • Able to Jump to other lessons
  • And going to conclusion lesson doesn't mention or prompt about a certificate. Then ask PM or AM if to remove the last lesson

Inside course folder select all files and zip, rename zip in the following format. syncrude.<course name no spaces>.web.<year><month><day>.zip

TODO If a final at the end, do they get converted to LMS quiz’s (they do that, we would need to remove final and any lesson before it referencing the final)

Courses deployed to WebCAT

  • syncrude.Benzene.web.nofinal.20130528
  • syncrude.CDMS.web.nofinal.20130528
  • syncrude.cdms_authorizer.nofinal.web.20130528
  • syncrude.ControllingHazardousEnergy.nofinal.web.20130528
  • syncrude.H2S.nofinal.web.20130528
  • syncrude.MobileCranesHoists.nofinal.web.20130528
  • syncrude.OfficeErgonomics.nofinal.web.20130528
  • syncrude.Radiation.nofinal.web.20130528
  • syncrude.TDG.web.nofinal.20130528
  • syncrude.whmis.web.nofinal.20130528
  • Syncrude.Basic.Grader.webcat.20140415.zip