Oculus is a company that produces VR hardware and software. ICOM Currently holds two separate Oculus accounts. These are mapped to our two in-house Rift units.
We've made the choice to purchase all content through a single account, and use this for any demonstrations, etc. The second account exists primarily for testing social / multiplayer / etc. features of the SDK.
Oculus Accounts
Primary Account
username: ICOMVR
email: serviceaccounts@icomproductions.ca
pass: ElephantDay
pin: ???? (use reset)
Secondary Account
username: ICOMVR2
email: services@icomproductions.ca
pass: ElephantDay
pin: ???? (use reset)
Facebook Accounts
In order to test some of the 'social' / multiplayer facebook Oculus account integration content, we've created two 'fake' facebook accounts. In order to sign up for these accounts, we also needed to create fake email addresses for the accounts. They are mapped to the Oculus accounts, as follow:
Primary Facebook Account
Mapped to ICOMVR/serviceaccounts@icomproductions.ca
email: icomvr1@gmail.com
pass: ElephantDay
bday: Jan 1 1985
Secondary Account
Mapped to ICOMVR1/services@icomproductions.ca
email: icomvrO@gmail.com (that's the letter O)
pass: ElephantDay
bday: Jan 1 1985
Oculus PC Account:
p: ElephantDay
ICOM uses an app named Resilio to sync VR files between devices who need them. Current devices syncing:
- icom-vr
- User: Front door
- Read & Write
- icom-lp85
- User: cdupuis
- Read Only
Install Resilio as a service on the device in question so it can run under any account. Apply the license ICOM has which is available from support@icomproductions.ca
icom-vr shares it's "VR Files" folder from it's desktop with other devices. Other devices read only to avoid conflicts
Creating link to share
Adding shared folder
On the read-only device:
- (+) button >> Enter a key or link