Autodesk 3DS Max
Autodesk 3DS Max is used by the 3D team. ICOM holds an AUTODESK 3DS MAX SUBSCRIPTION for each user who needs it and that allows access to the newest versions which are released annually. Autodesk Network License Manager (NLM) is required to launch 3DS Max.
Autodesk Account
Pass: ChinaDoll123Pass: 1PuppyParty (Updated 2021)
Autodesk 3DS Max 2017
ICOM has 7 perpetual 3DS Max
Serial: 398-16060054
Key: 128I1
(yes that's an upper case "i")
New User/PC
Network License
Single License
Autodesk Network License Manager (NLM)
Autodesk Network License Manager (NLM) is used by ICOM to handle the licensing for it's Autodesk 3DS Max clients. Typically the NLM itself will need to be updated annually and an updated license file will need to be loaded into it before the latest release can be launched. It lives on the server icomnt11
Upgrading NLM
Ensure you have an updated version of the Autodesk license file
Support will be able to issue a new license file if registeronce does not work
Required info:
Host: icomnt14
MAC: 00-15-5D-00-07-02
OS: Windows Server 2016
Serial & Product key (from the ICOM vendor)
Download from NLM to icomnt14
Uninstall the existing version of NLM
Install the new version
Configure NLM
Launch the LMTOOLS Utility from the icomnt14 desktop
Visit the tab Config Services
Create new service by typing a unique name into the Service Name textbox
Browse for the newly installed NLM executable named lmgrd
eg: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\lmgrd.exe
Browse for the newly issued license file
eg: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\3DSMAX2017enlicense.lic
Create a new debug file then link to it
eg: C:\Autodesk\Network License Manager\Autodesk.txt
Checkmark: Start Server at Power Up
Visit the tab Start/Stop/Reread
Ensure all older services are stopped
Start the new service (new .lic filename should display at the bottom)
Visit Server Status
Happy messages:
icomnt14: license server UP (MASTER) v11.13.1
Vendor daemon status (on icomnt14):
adskflex: UP v11.13.1
A new line should be visible for the new version (example of 2016 shown):
eg: Users of 866333DSMAX_2017_0F: (Total of 7 licenses issued; Total of 0 licenses in use)
Upgrading 3DS Max
DownloadAccess Autodesk Account
Install using serial & product key provided
Single License Server: icomnt14
Can't pull a license
Run LMTools and perform Status Query
Check ports
Manages renders
Backburner Queue Monitor on Evan's PC: icom-ws116