VPN at ICOM is currently provided by Fortinet VPN software.

New setup

Secure Remote Access

Configure VPN

-or-- Add a new connection

Remote Gateway:

Port: 8443

Certificate: None

Authentication: Save Login

Username: (your username)

Warn: Do not

Editing your Connection

In order to update your connection details:

  • Click Remote Access from the menu

  • Click settings (gear in the top right corner)

  • Click Edit the selected connection

  • Update settings, eg: Remote Gateway

  • Click Save



Welcome. Access local resources via name or IP address

Type resource name with suffix:


Input your Domain credentials

User: icom\(your account name)

Pass: (your Domain password)

Browse your resource

Trouble shooting

If the client sticks at 40%, move the window and click “yes” to the certificate: