
Overwaitea is an ICOM client.

Learn Fresh

Neil Agnew

Hey guys,

This project is about to be closed. It was a bit of an interesting one.

We developed (with Oracast) an app that allows users to view a list of produce items and learn different things about them. Some key information below that could go into the knowledge base:

  • The app can be found on Apple and Android, password is 'produce'. It is called 'Learn Fresh'
  • There is an admin console: http://overwaitea.icomproductions.ca/login
  • Can use my details to login:
    • Username: nagnew@icomproductions.ca
    • Password: V676$9GQ%GPd
  • Admin console holds reporting and produce item detail
  • Oracast are the go to for any issues: ryan.deacon@oracast.com
  • Client likes to be kept up to date even if no progress has been made with an issue

Think that's it, give me a shout if any questions.
