First West Credit Union

First West Credit Union is an ICOM client. They are using Halogen Learning as their LMS. Halogen prefers SCORM 2004 courses and it must have a score when the course is complete.

List of Products

This client has the following products produced by ICOM:

List of Courses

This client has the following courses produced by ICOM:


From our first deployment:

Garrett wrote

I did make some small updates to the structure.xml in order to force the tracking of a course score and a passed status:

- I changed the Final Exam from a Knowledge Check to a Test type (this should ensure tracking the score and completion to the LMS)

- Also removed 'required' from the Thank You lesson. Removing required from the Thank You lesson will force course completion upon completion of the Final Exam, so the score and passed status will be present in the LMS if the learner exits the course at that point.

Some other notes:

- I could not replicate the issue reported where the course marks complete when closing half way. I can't think of a reason why this might have happened. As far as I see, in SCORM Cloud, it's fine.

- The way this course is currently setup, there's no way to track a 'failed'. The exam will allow enough attempts for the learner to pass with an 80%, and when that happens, then it will track and the score, completion and passed status.

- The Learning Results Details screenshot is from their LMS, and outside of my area of knowledge. Perhaps someone on their end will be able to address any admin issues with their LMS.

Extra tip:

Here's a wiki article on differences between KCs, quizes and Tests. It's a good little reference for what they do in BRAIN:


