Teck Resources

Teck Resources is a FiLMS client.

ICOM works with three separate parts of the company:

  • Mine Operations (Mine Ops)

  • Safety Department

  • HVC division


  • willy.sin@teck.com

eco/FiLMS instances:

Contractor Portal Troubleshooting

User status drop-down

  • As of July 14th, a new drop-down has been added.

Certificates are broken?

Custom Report #4 lists actions of group-cert associations which break certs:

The detail field can be decoded here:

To resolve manually remove all group associations on the certificates or truncate the contents of this table:​

  • certificate_group_assn


Teck HVC

Teck HVC uses CourseBuilder to produce courses. ICOM deploys them:

  • Confirm SCORM 1.2 package or republish

  • Import into teck-hvc.icomproductions.ca

  • Enroll as directed

Storyline courses loading to Teck's Contractor portal

Load a structure from any other course to make the base folder for the course.

Have Teck's IT (Harshal Patel at this moment) load the courses into the folder that was created.

Enrol yourself making sure it creates a curriculum.

Go to Content --> courses--> view the course --> structures --> structure sections --> structure objects.

If there is an unneeded structure object, delete it.

View the remaining object. (optional)

Change the Filename to index_lms.html, the order number to 0.

Click Save.


Teck has an FTP account with ICOM that they use to transfer files

  • Host: ftp.icomproductions.ca

  • Prot: FTP

  • User: teck_rdt

  • Pass: t3ckicom

Merge groups

  • Add test organization

  • Build group inserts for group to be deleted

SELECT CONCAT('INSERT INTO group_member_assn(group_id,user_id) VALUES(/* group to keep */ 2617,',id,');')

FROM users

WHERE login LIKE '%group_id: 5637%' /* group to kill */

  • Move & rename members of the group to kill

UPDATE users

SET login = REPLACE(login, /* group to kill */ 'group_id: 5637', /* group to keep */ 'group_id: 2617'), organization_id = 34 /* temp organization */

WHERE login LIKE '%group_id: 5637%' /* group to kill */

  • User Merge duplicates login names from group to kill to group to keep

  • Use Admin Console to merge over all users from test organization'

  • Delete test organization

  • User Merge any users flagge