
Trican is an ICOM client. They use SuccessFactors.


  • LMS
    • Shelly Hogan, doing LMS work
    • SuccessFactors bought Plateau ... all bought by SAP
    • 4 courses hoping to load
    • All employees
    • Originally asked for SCORM 2004 but were sent SCORM 1.2 most recently
    • LMS doesn't work
    • ICOM Test package did not work
  • Users
    • taking from the office maybe a kiosk
    • 70% field
    • Ethics hotline
  • Languages
    • en (must have), es, fr (maybe), russian (must have)
  • Pre-req
  • LMS
  • Reporting/Assessments
    • Quiz not failing, retries until correct
    • Incomplete or complete
  • Certificates, no
  • Acknowledgement/Survey, to think on
  • CD, high level, ft. nelson

Deployment settings

  • films_ini.txt: <useObjectives><![CDATA[false]]></useObjectives>
  • <submitInteractionHistory>false</submitInteractionHistory>
  • <trackQuizResponse>false</trackQuizResponse>

lms very slow so use no objectives

  • imsmanifest.xml: remove <adlcp:masteryscore>80</adlcp:masteryscore>

from manifest if no score being used

