SAIT is an ICOM client.
SAIT is a client of ICOM's courseware. There are unique requirements of their course packages that need to be implemented before delivery. They have 2 LMS' D2L & TRACCESS (requirements to LMS setup may be similar to Encana_Traccess_LMS).
Deployment testing in SCORM Cloud may take additional settings which are noted below.
Known issues
- 405 scorm error, lesson ID contains a space or special character, delete or replace with _
- Course doesn't popup, course packaged index.html is launch the course instead of popuing up file loadInterface.html
List of Products
This client has the following products produced by ICOM:
List of Courses
This client has the following courses produced by ICOM:
Unique Functionality of Courses
- course is to track and resume frame bookmarking regardless of completion using films ini "useFrameBookmarkingOnCompleted"
- Knowledge checks are set as "Lesson" lesson type so that even they can be resumed though the lessons and interface has unique code to apply it's own unique lock over the next and previous buttons and the vcr, that unlocks on last frame.
- If exit button used, user will always resume on frame they left off, regardless of lesson or course completion
- Index.html contains unique code to close TRACCESS window window.opener=self; window.close();
- D2L launches the course in an IFRAME and because of this, the user may not use our exit button since it really wont do anything to "close" the course and thus try clicking elsewhere or close IE entirely, oddly this doesn't trigger our index.html unload even to lmsFinish and commit data to LMS thus causing the possible occurrence that cmi.core.exit=suspend doesn't get sent to LMS and thus on relaunch the progress is wiped. Code has been added to set this and commit right after lms initialized.
- Client needs the ID/names of the lessons to reflect the lesson names in the course so they need to be had modified in the structure.xml with the restrictions of
- Letters and Numbers no other characters
- Separated by '_' no spaces
- The name is limited to 255 characters
- Be aware of duplicate names and add a number at the end as each ID/name is to be unique
- EXAMPLE. knowledge check == knowledge_check_1
Build Process
- Use Course builder for SAIT found here Z:\Old\Projects\SAIT\_course builder
- Upon creating new course in a folder it will extract necessary interface and title templates here "_source templates" to change titles for course.
- The package has the popup page index.html page already and wont be overwritten upon SCORM 1.2 export, and will replace #COURSENAME# in "Welcome to SAIT's #COURSENAME#" with the course name given in course builder.
- The Films_ini.txt already has the required settings for SAIT.
- Previewing the course before QA3 will prompt error and ask for name, you can click "Ok" and put in your name to watch it.
- Upload the course to QA3, as a new course
- The course will popup twice by default, just confirm the name on the base popup has the correct course name.
- Launch each lesson and make sure there isn't 2 arrows pointing to 2 lessons that would indicate duplicate ID's. An error should be thrown at the start of the course if there are ID's with incorrect characters or spaces.
Additional functional requirements of future courses in this document created by the client. File:Subtopic Functional Guidelines.docx
SCORM 1.2 Without Objectives
The following must be in the FiLMS_ini.txt
<completion_percentage> <![CDATA[95]]> </completion_percentage> <courseCompleteMessageText> <![CDATA[]]> </courseCompleteMessageText> <useFrameBookmarkingOnCompleted> <![CDATA[true]]> </useFrameBookmarkingOnCompleted>
Deployments in D2L
Starting on some of the newer SAIT projects we will be deploying and testing directly in D2L.
Click here for instructions on using and deploying to D2L
Go to the following website:
This will bring up a Login page. You can use:
Username: Calgary_ICOM
Password: CalgaryICOM
Update After Client UAT
- make sure knowledge checks lock and unlock vcr properly using code found in these interfaces Y:\SAIT\SAIT RFP\_New Interfaces, see doc in folder for details
- make sure interface moved down, see doc in folder for details
- Y:\SAIT\SAIT RFP\_BrainCore Files new brain 3.771 to make sure bookmark on last frame and completions. Also loadInterface.html now just has static warning about popups
- UAT docs are in here Y:\SAIT\SAIT RFP\_Standards and Checklists
D2L Screenshots
D2L progress reset issue File:D2lreset.docx Username: Calgary_ICOM Password: Calgary_ICOM