Storyline Utils


Y:\Storyline Files\_templates


To use Storyline Utils, copy the entire _StorylineUtils folder to your local machine 'C:\' (you should have 'C:\_StorylineUtils' on your local machine).


  • bat/

The bat folder contains batch files for launching the Storyline Utils from individual Storyline course packages. Copy and paste these .bat files into your Storyline package, and then double-click them to start the util. Ensure that the util .exe files are copied to your local C:\ (inside the C:\_StorylineUtils folder) before trying to double-click the .bat files from your Storyline package.

    • toggleDebug.bat --starts--> toggleDebug.exe
    • setFlowOption.bat --starts--> setFlowOption.exe
  • setFlowOption.exe
    • v1.0.0

This util will locate and modify two files related to the menu flow option for both Storyline 2 and Storyline 360 courses. If the proper files are found, then a prompt is shown:

Set course menu flow option [free/restricted]

Type either 'free' or 'restricted' at the prompt, and then press ENTER.

Setting to 'free' will allow free flow navigation through the course. This is handy for testing and QA purposes.

Setting to 'restricted' will restrict navigation flow through the course. The next and prev buttons should still work as designed, but the course menu will not allow jumping ahead to incomplete lessons.

If the util is unable to locate the proper files in the Storyline package, then a warning message will appear in the prompt:


Unable to find Storyline files!

This may not be a Storyline course package.

  • toggleDebug360.exe
  • v1.0.2

This util will locate and modify a file named data.js within a Storyline 360 package to enable/disable the HTML5 Feedback Tool. If the data file is found, then a prompt is shown:

Set Storyline 360 debugging mode [on/off]

Type either 'on' or 'off' at the prompt, and then press ENTER.

To allow the HTML5 Feedback Tool to pull data from the 360 course, the debugging mode must be set to 'on'.

If the util is unable to locate the data.js in the Storyline package, then a warning message will appear in the prompt:


Unable to find data.js!

This may not be a Storyline 360 course package.

NOTE: Before sending the course package for final deployment, run this util again, and then set debugging mode to 'off'