Teck Offline LMS

Teck Offline LMS

* Never went live * Not used *

  • Deployment platform utilizing SCORM 1.2 packages
  • Piloting with 8 “Processing” courses but the hope is that it expands to include all Teck courses in 2015

Lesson tracking

  • OLMS reporting requires descriptive “Objective IDs”
  • Instead of using CourseBuilder generated IDs for lessons in the structure, create meaningful but unique IDs
  • Data type => CMIIdentifer
    • Alphanumeric only
    • no whitespace
    • no unprintable chars
    • max of 255
  • Format:
    • 2 digit number symbolising lesson order
    • 5 – 20 char description
    • Uppercase first letter of words
    • Lowercase remainder of words
    • Eg: 01HowToUse
    • Eg: 17FinalNote



Final Exam

OLMS reporting requires questions have descriptive “Interaction IDs”

Instead of using CourseBuilder generated IDs for questions in the structure, create meaningful but unique IDs

Data type => CMIIdentifer

  • Alphanumeric only
  • no whitespace
  • no unprintable chars
  • max of 255


  • 2 digit number symbolising question order
  • 5 – 20 char description
  • Uppercase first letter of words
  • Lowercase remainder of words
  • Eg: 01StagesOfProcessing
  • Eg: 02ListedMaterialStage



Local Data Reporting

Local Data in OLMS should format the tracked objectives & interactions in a pleasing manner:


Course stuck on "loading your course progress"

Add Trusted Paths to Global settings or settings sol:

C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\chrome_user\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\WritableRoot\#SharedObjects\[random string]\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\