Teck Offline LMS
Teck Offline LMS
Teck Offline LMS
* Never went live * Not used *
- Deployment platform utilizing SCORM 1.2 packages
- Piloting with 8 “Processing” courses but the hope is that it expands to include all Teck courses in 2015
Lesson tracking
Lesson tracking
- OLMS reporting requires descriptive “Objective IDs”
- Instead of using CourseBuilder generated IDs for lessons in the structure, create meaningful but unique IDs
- Data type => CMIIdentifer
- Alphanumeric only
- no whitespace
- no unprintable chars
- max of 255
- Format:
- 2 digit number symbolising lesson order
- 5 – 20 char description
- Uppercase first letter of words
- Lowercase remainder of words
- Eg: 01HowToUse
- Eg: 17FinalNote
Final Exam
Final Exam
OLMS reporting requires questions have descriptive “Interaction IDs”
Instead of using CourseBuilder generated IDs for questions in the structure, create meaningful but unique IDs
Data type => CMIIdentifer
- Alphanumeric only
- no whitespace
- no unprintable chars
- max of 255
- 2 digit number symbolising question order
- 5 – 20 char description
- Uppercase first letter of words
- Lowercase remainder of words
- Eg: 01StagesOfProcessing
- Eg: 02ListedMaterialStage
Local Data Reporting
Local Data Reporting
Local Data in OLMS should format the tracked objectives & interactions in a pleasing manner:
Course stuck on "loading your course progress"
Add Trusted Paths to Global settings or settings sol:
C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\chrome_user\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\WritableRoot\#SharedObjects\[random string]\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\