eco is an app developed by ICOM.
eco 2 go
Which eco 2 go package does my SCORM package belong to?
Implementing FM_CalendarEvents in eco
Creating calendar events in eco from FM_CalendarEvents is a straightforward process and can be done within any Markdown item within eco. However, this guide is not on how to use FM_CalendarEvents but implementing it in eco . For information about FM_CalendarEvents please refer to a separate documentation guide that has been created. Be sure to install FM_CalendarEvents in order to use its functionality in eco
Creating a Markdown in eco
1.) Log in to the eco
*When you log into the eco be sure that you have the permissions to be edit the eco . Users who have permissions to edit the eco will be under the “Editors” group in FiLMS. If you are unsure just log in as a sysadmin/limited sysadmin. Also, please sure to use Google Chrome browser as this is required for edit mode in eco .
If you are not automatically redirected to eco . You can navigate to it by logging into FiLMS (see above) and editing the url to point to /includes/modules/FM_Guidebook/guidebook/index.html. For example with CTB This should redirect you to the login page.
2.) Once you have logged into your eco you will be presented with at least one section. Navigate into any of section(s).
3.) Once you are in the correct section you wish to assign to a group. Navigate to the menu icon in the top left hand corner of your screen. This will open the utility panel.
3.) Click the “Edit Mode” toggle to reveal all settings on the utility panel.
4.) Create a sample page by clicking the by Pages and selecting
5.) Click on text “Unnamed Page”. Then go back into utility panel like in step 3.)
6.) Select Markdown item in Page Items selector. And click the “+” beside the selector to create the item on the page
7.) Now you will see the item on the page. Click the icon
underneath the item to bring up a form in which you can make changes to the items content.
NOTE: Click help? in order to find out more information on how to work with Markdown
8.) When you are completed with your Markdown changes to save your changes by clicking the Publish label in the Utility Panel.
FM_CalendarEvents within Markdown
All of the links for functionality within FM_CalendarEvents is explained in it documentation. Also, keep in mind all of these links are based off city of surrey but can be swapped out for corresponding film’s instance domain name.
FM_CalendarEvents functionality can be used within eco by using links according within markdown as follows:
[Link Text]( Actual Url )
Sample 1:
[Add to Event Calendar](/includes/modules/FM_CalendarEvents/post/subscribe.php?calendar_event_id=1 )
Sample 2:
[Remove from Events Calendar](/includes/modules/FM_CalendarEvents/post/unsubscribe.php?calendar_event_id=1 )
Sample 3:
[Download Events Calendar](/includes/modules/FM_CalendarEvents/get/user_calendar.php
Sample Template
Event 1 - [Add to Calendar]/includes/modules/FM_CalendarEvents/post/subscribe.php?calendar_event_id=1 ) [Remove from Calendar](/includes/modules/FM_CalendarEvents/post/unsubscribe.php?calendar_event_id=1 ) Calendar Event Subscription Url:
Event 2 - [Add to Calendar](/includes/modules/FM_CalendarEvents/post/subscribe.php?calendar_event_id=2 ) [Remove from Calendar](/includes/modules/FM_CalendarEvents/post/unsubscribe.php?calendar_event_id=2 ) Calendar Event Subscription Url:
[Download Events Calendar](
Additionally these templates are created in FM_CalendarEvents. When you have created a Calendar Event simply go back and edit the event. You should then be provided by a input box with sample calendar event markdown text.
Assigning Groups to a eco Section
Create any groups needed for assigning to eco
These can be created in FiLMS. Log into FiLMS as an administrator. *Log in may differ
Signing into Films with login pages can be forced by adding /login.php?code=admin to url. For example for CTB
Then navigate into People -> Groups
Go to Add New Group. In the left sidebar
Fill in the details needed for your group
Click the Save button at the bottom of the page
2. Log in to the eco you wish to assign group to.
*When you log into the eco be sure that you have the permissions to be edit the eco . Users who have permissions to edit the eco will be under the “Editors” group in FiLMS. If you are unsure just log in as a sysadmin/limited sysadmin. Also, please sure to use Google Chrome browser as this is required for edit mode in eco .
If you are not automatically redirected to eco . You can navigate to it by logging into FiLMS (see above) and editing the url to point to /includes/modules/FM_Guidebook/guidebook/index.html. For example with CTB This should redirect you to the login page
3. Navigate to “Assign Groups” modal in your selected eco
Once you have logged into your eco you will be presented with at least one section
Navigate into any of section(s).
If you need to assign a group to any subsections you can navigate to them within the selected section.
Once you are in the correct section you wish to assign to a group. Navigate to the menu icon in the top left-hand corner of your screen. This will open the utility panel.
Click the “Edit Mode” toggle to reveal all settings on the utility panel.
Click the Assign Groups label
4. Assign groups to the eco section
Now you will be presented with an Assign Groups Modal
Select any groups you wish to assign to the section
Click Done when finished.
5. Publish/Save the eco
When you are completed assigning group(s) to the section save your change by Clicking Publish label in the Utility Panel.
6. Log out of the eco
Click Log Out in the Utility Panel.
Sync eco Course Launcher state with imported Enrollments
INSERT IGNORE INTO guidebook_tracking_id_state
SELECT '3fb15e01048a4f3-5', NEW_user_id, 1, NOW()
FROM enrollments_temp
AND NEW_curriculum_id = 5
AND is_complete = 1