
Storyline is an application used by ICOM to produce e-Learning courses.

  • serviceaccounts / ICOMCompanyCat_9562

  • serviceaccounts02 / ICOMCompanyDog_8123
ICOM Storyline Style Guide

Feedback Tool

Feedback Tool is a web app used to submit feedback from a Storyline course to QA FiLMS. Looking for an easy way to include this in your Storyline SCORM 1.2 package? Try the brand-new Automated Zipping Utility Repackager - AZURe!


Console is a module in Storyline that provides admin & nav features

We are in TEST ... but stay tuned for Go-Live.

Known issues


Storyline Licenses


Multi-SCO packages

Clients may require multiple Storyline SCORM 1.2 packages bundled together into one SCORM 1.2 package. Multi-SCO packages allow this but need require a customized package. Storyline can't publish Multi-SCOs.

  • Publish courses without a Goodbye.html

  • Download file attached below

  • Modify imsmanifest.xml as per the comments inside that file

  • Test in SCORM Cloud

Multi-SCO course in FiLMS

Certificates on Stand-Alone Courses

Some clients may require their courses to be deployed on a CD. The LMS' version of the course achieves certificate printing via JavaScript. Storyline's stand-alone player does not interact with anything that's outside of the player(including JS which runs only on a browser). We heavily rely on JS for our printing function but since JavaScript only runs in a browser(e.g. Chrome, Firefox) we need to hack our way to achieve this in the course's stand alone version. The goal is to make the course run on the client's own browser and print the certificate from there.

Without the LMS to provide the learner's username, we will have to make do with passing the additional parameters in the URL when the certificate file is accessed. Here are the steps to do this:

1.) Click the button where the certificate would be generated.

2.) Click add a trigger.

3.) Click Action then choose Execute JavaScript.

4.) Click the ellipsis on Script. This opens a text editor.

5.) Copy and paste code below to the editor. then click OK.

var player = window.GetPlayer();

var name = player.GetVar("userName");

var certUrl = "certificate.html?"+name;, "_blank", "width=1000, height=820");

6.) Click Show Conditions and click the blue plus sign. This will open the Add Trigger Condition window. Follow the settings as shown below then click OK.

We may now publish a stand-alone version of the course on Storyline 360.

7.) Click Publish > CD from here, we are able to access the different properties of our project including the Player, Quality, Publish. For this topic's simplicity we won't fiddle around with these properties, instead click the blue Publish button below.

As soon as it finishes publishing your output folder should look like this:

Take note of the files: Launch_Story, story and story_html5 as we will be modifying them later on.

8.) Locate your certificate files namely: certificate.html and certificate.png then paste them on the output folder.

Different clients will have different certificates. Adjusting the CSS of the certificate.html file will be necessary from time to time in order for it to look properly in output and in print so make sure your certificate's CSS is adjusted properly.

We don't want the user to get confused on which file they should open so we will hide the files: Launch_Story and story from plain sight. (as we might need them in the future but we don't want the users accessing them).

9.) To do this, right click on the file > Properties > On the attributes row click Hidden then click OK. Do this for both files