
According to some scientists, they claim that listening to music makes you smarter. But whether or not they're right, listening does much more. Passive listening to music, it emits firing patterns within the brain that are similar to those related to higher-order cognitive functions.

As smart ICOMers, the SONOS is provided to bring music to our place. This can be controlled by anyone, as long as the music being played is in accordance to the policy of the company.

These are the steps:

  • Download the App from either PlayStore or AppStore.
  • After downloading, run the App and be sure that you are connected to the WiFi and of the same network with SONOS Speakers.
  • Find the Rooms you want to play music with.
    • Sales - Sales Area (near Greg, Neil, Devin, Dan, Ryan, Claire, Diana and Heather's Offices)
    • Kitchen - Kitchen Area
    • Content - Content Design Room
    • Greg's Office - Greg's Office
    • Conference Room - currently at IT's room
  • Browse the music station you want to play, usually we use local TuneIn Radio stations.
  • Modulate the sound appropriately and responsibly.