Client Services - Standard Operating Procedures
Prime: Ken
PG1001 - Requests for Change (RfC)
Date: 2015-10-21
Description: Clients asking for a coding or configuration changes to an ICOM product/system that cannot be performed through the product's Administrative pages will be forward to Ty in Sales:
Date 2017-01-01
Renamed from G1001 to PG1001
Requests for Change (RfC) escalated to the client's Account Manager.
FiLMS v3
PF1001 - Scheduled E-Mail verification
Date: 2015-10-21
Description: Two agents will be required to setup/send emails in FiLMS Instances. One to setup and one to verify. For scheduled emails this test script should be consulted to ensure that the correct number will be sent.:
- eg:
PF1002 - FiLMS Support Request escalations
Date: 2017-03-02
Description: Support requests that require an escalation from Support to Tech to go to Jye. In her absence, Chris Petten. As per 2017-08-18 verbal instruction from Jon.
PR1001 Rewards Support Request escalations
Date: 2016-03-10
Description: Support requests that require an escalation from Support to Tech to go to Jye. In her absence, Will. As per 2016-03-10 chat message from Jye.
Prime: Ken
D1001 - ICOM Product deployments
Date: 2015-10-26
Description: Sales may request that an ICOM Product course be sent to a client. Locate the latest version of the course here:
- Y:\ICOM Products\
- eg: Y:\ICOM Products\GHS\export\product\GHS WHMIS
Inform the client that it's a SCORM 1.2 package using only mandatory data model elements.
Date 2017-06-15
Renamed D1001 from S1001
D1002 - Demo portal/SPAT deployment
Prime: Art
I1001 - IT Procurement
Date: 2015-10-21
Description: Internal clients requesting new hardware/software will be asked to have their Team Lead fill out a request: