TELUS CTP Skills Tracking
System was deactivated 2020-02-03
TELUS CTP FiLMS is largely a read-only portrayal of TELUS's CTP database, and is updated nightly via CSV. Users log into the TELUS site, and are then redirected using the SilentSignon module and should never see a FiLMS login page. The only changes that should occur within FiLMS are users stamping their own claim of completion on each course (termed Learning Item)
- Assessment
- An un-launchable course that can only be marked complete by the enrollment importer and represents the completion of the entire level it belongs to
- Learning Item
- Course
- Learning Path
- Which job a user has. There is a corresponding group (for auto-enrollment and membership) and topic, where the learning items are split into different sub-topics for each level
- Level
- A sub-portion of a learning path. Levels are named Level X where X usually 1-3, though some paths have 4 levels
A custom home page loads by default instead of FiLMS. FiLMS can be accessed by hitting a FiLMS URL like this:
Importer Modules
Importers/Exporters can be run usually with [Client][ModuleName]/run.php
Modules: FM_AutoBulkUserImporter, FM_AutoCourseImporter, FM_AutoEnrollmentImporter, FM_TelusCTPLPImporter /home/jail_telus_ctp/home/telussftp/
Manual Import
- Change Telus org's app setting for the particular module to that of the var/www/vhosts/telus-ctp/ftproot/<module specific folder>
- add new csv in folder via ftp
- use above link to run module import
- check if successful and confirm message as seen below
- change app setting back to live version
You will see if successful:
Course Importer Module Got /var/www/vhosts/telus-ctp/ftproot/descriptions (11) for organization: TELUS Scanning Directory "/var/www/vhosts/telus-ctp/ftproot/descriptions" Found file "." Found file ".." Found file "learning_items.csv" parsing Log Written Renamed done.
With the file renamed to <file_name>.csv.Parsed and a log <file_name>.csv.log of records added
order course, path,
Automatically imports CSVs of users. Parsed to automatically create/update users. Used by TELUS to provide users and the learning path (group) they belong to.
- An application setting is used to set it to watch the users subfolder of the FTP account, at /var/www/vhosts/telus-ctp/ftproot/users or live /home/jail_telus_ctp/home/telussftp/users
- TELUS does not provide passwords in their CSV as all users must be logged in using the Silent Signon module.
FM_AutoCourseImporterAutomatically imports CSVs of course details. Parsed to automatically create/update courses. Used by TELUS to provide course descriptions.
- An application setting is used to set it to watch the descriptions subfolder of the FTP account, at /var/www/vhosts/telus-ctp/ftproot/descriptions or live at /home/jail_telus_ctp/home/telussftp/descriptions
FM_AutoEnrollmentImporter Automatically imports CSVs of enrollment details. Parsed to automatically create/update enrollments. Used by TELUS to provide completions done outside of FiLMS.
- An application setting is used to set it to watch the completions subfolder of the FTP account, at /var/www/vhosts/telus-ctp/ftproot/completions or live /home/jail_telus_ctp/home/telussftp/completions
Support ticket - Telus CTP FiLMS Enrollment Importer Module
TELUS sends a CSV of enrollments. Some of the rows have invalid Usernames that create an error.
Error on line 2 of CSV?
Line 2 points to a user that does not exist: 00000000
FM TelusCTPLPImporter Automatically imports CSVs of learning path's items. Parsed to automatically create courses, structures, curriculums, classes, groups, auto-enrollments, topics, and course-topic associations.
- An application setting is used to set it to watch the learning_paths subfolder of the FTP account, at /var/www/vhosts/telus-ctp/ftproot/learning_paths or live /home/jail_telus_ctp/home/telussftp/learning_paths
FM SetCompleteLaunchMethod Allows courses with this launch method to just be auto-completed.
No settings
Allows TELUS to direct users to the appropriate course or the homepage without causing them to log in to a different system.
- Shared key is available in the application setting
Weekly E-mail (unknown name)
This module sends a custom e-mail to the client every Friday at 5pm Calgary time with a list of all users who have 5, 3, 1 or 0 incomplete items within one of their levels, and the corresponding list of incomplete items within that level.
Assessments are not counted / shown in this e-mail.
Custom Homepage (unknown name)
Displays courses and assessments in custom TELUS passport-themed layout.
outputs only completed with a visit (stamp) of yesterdays completions
- In the requirements documents it has the note:
This import does not remove completions. To mark a user’s progress in a Learning Item as incomplete, it must be done manually within FiLMS.
These are set on a nightly CRON that simply does all of our reporting, importing, exporting, so it varies on how long previous jobs take. And I believe it is in this order
Import users 5 am central time -6 descriptions 5 am central time -6 completions 5 am central time -6 learning_paths 5 am central time -6
export films_completions 4-5 am central time -6
An FTPES account is hosted by ICOM at:
white list ip's
Location: /home/jail_telus_ctp/home/telussftp/
It has 4 subdirectories, corresponding to the four importers:
And 1 corresponding to the completion export:
Filenames don't matter it will load and try all files in those directories