
HuskyLearns is a FiLMS instance used by contractors and some field employees. Husky also has a corporate LMS: SAP LSO.


IS Service Desk – Open 24/7

  • Western Canada: +1-403-298-7000

  • North America: +1-866-58-HUSKY (584-8759)

Regional Service Desks

  • Atlantic: +1-709-724-3939

  • US: +1-419-226-2529

  • Indonesia: +62-21-8067-1044

  • Shekou: 86-755-2353-6844

  • Hong Kong: 852-3901-4844



All auto-enrollments must exist for these 4 groups only:

  • Husky

  • Not Husky

  • Administrators

  • UAT

When deploying never auto-enroll the All Users group because the courses provided for Employees & Contractors are quite different.


Login Process

If yes, the user has to enter password and update profile (locations) to proceed to the homepage. Otherwise, FiLMS will provide an option to self-register which will send the user the account creation email. The user clicks the link in the email, which will redirect the user to set the password. After setting the password, the user will be asked to fill in his / her first name, last name and locations (group). See Document for more details.

Splash page

Email Address

FiLMS will check if the submitted address exists in the system

If a match exists?

  • Continue to: Return step #1

If a match does NOT exist?

  • Skip to: New Step #1

Return step #1

Password input

Return step #2

Locations are selected.

Locations load dynamically from child groups of the Locations parent group. Child groups can be added and display here or removed and hidden from here.

New Step #1

Create New Account

If no match then user asked to create a new account

New Step #2


Confirm new account or back out

New step #3

Email sent

New account info emailed

New Step #4


New Step #5

New Password

New Step #6



Learning Log

See FM_LearningLog

Learner Homepage

  • Left Sidebar

    • Certificate shortcut link will be visible for those who have permission to list earned certificates

    • Resources shortcut link will be visible for those who have permission to list resources

    • Learning Log Notes shortcut link will be visible for those who have enrolled in Learning Log course(s)

  • Flash Course List Homepage:

    • a Welcome Tab was added

    • Search bar is more visible

  • Certificates and Resources Panels below the flash course list are removed

Custom Learner's My Account Page

Learners can only change password and password hint. They can also view their user id, E-Mail (Login), first name, last name, SAP ID and HSE Tracker Number.

Password Creation Email

Whenever an admin creates a new active user with Login as email address, it will send an email to that address. The email contains a link which allows the new learner to set a password.

Password Reset Email

The email to reset learner's password will be sent if:

  • Learners click "Change Password" during login process

  • Learners click "Change Password" in My Account page after they logged in

  • Learners' account requires a password reset

See Document for more details.

Certificate Email

See FM_EmailCertificates


List users' actions: link