Shell Product Delivery Drivers

Shell Product Delivery Drivers is a FiLMS instance that ICOM hosts for Shell Canada. It is available here:

Prime Contacts:

Eric Larson


Kevin Leiver


Jeff Patterson


"Modules" (Courses)

It contains multiple "modules" (courses) that should be taken by driver's in sequence:

  • General Intro
    • en & fr
  • Safety Requirements
    • en & fr
    • 3 attempt Exam unlimited
  • Loading
    • en & fr
    • Aviation & Non-aviation version in en
    • 3 attempt Exam unlimited
  • Offloading
    • en & fr
    • Aviation & Non-aviation version in en
    • 3 attempt Exam unlimited
  • Vehicle Rollover Intervention Program
    • en & fr
  • Life Saving Rules
    • en & fr


If a user fails to earn a grade over 80% after 3 attempts to an exam they are locked out and Shell is sent an email notification. Only a Shell Compliance Coordinator can "unfail" them.

Challenge Exam