Oracle iLearning
Oracle iLearning is a SCORM 1.2/SCORM 2004/AICC compliant Learning Management System. Corporate website:
Course configuration settings
In order for ICOM courses to track properly, the following settings are required:
- Example
List of Clients
The following clients currently use this LMS:
- Environment Canada
- Nav Canada
Wiki notes
Brain Version
For courses using brain 3, we have discovered that this LMS and others like it will crash when we check for the availability of certain data model elements. This is a standard check-in all brain versions, but we have disabled it in a special brain version that can be found here: Y:\ICOM Productions\__TEMPLATES__\brain 3.0\_3.965 SuccessFactors NoIntNoObj\
Please replace the films.swf and scorm12.swf in your deployment package with the ones in this location.
Symptoms of this type of crash are as follow:
- Failure to track any data after the offending data is sent/checked, which can present itself in some or all of the following ways:
- Lesson status not being tracked properly
- Frame Bookmarking not being tracked properly
- Lesson Location not being tracked properly
- Session Time not being tracked properly
INI settings
For Brain 3
For Brain 2.5
The following settings can and should be removed IF AND ONLY IF the <masteryScore>
node is removed from the imsmanifest.xml This is the technically correct solution if there is no scorable asset in the course.
Brain 3:
Brain 2:
- Notes: The Oracle iLearning LMS supports SCORM 1.2 RTE‐1 (only mandatory CMI data fields). This is the
same for AICC also. As of Oracle iLearning 5.2, SCORM 2004 is supported, and at the time of writing Oracle are working with the ADL in order to achieve SCORM 2004 conformance. If courseware is attempting to send unsupported data to the LMS it will fail. In the case of AICC you are likely to lose all other data as well, as it is sent all at once, and a failure means all will fail. In the case of SCORM, you should still see bookmarking, score and lesson status working to some degree. However, course logic may rely on retrieving the unsupported data from the LMS and therefore scores and lesson status may not be calculated.