SHOTS is an optional module for the feedback tool. It allows for taking screenshots of a course and adding comments via doodles or comment boxes. For now, this can only work on Chrome and as of May 2019, this also works with the experimental version of the chromium-based Edge. This is also intended to work only with courses that live on the QA3 instance.


There are two parts to make SHOTS work. One is from the packaging side (see article for AZURe for additional info) and the other is on the browser side.


1. Tick the "include SHOTS module" checkbox after opening AZURe.

2. Drag and drop a valid Storyline project folder you want to be packaged with the tools. After the process completes, you should be able to see this prompt below.

Browser (Chrome)

1. Install the extension from the Chrome Webstore here:

If the extension is not installed, a prompt will be shown that contains the link to the extension below the launched course.

Else if done correctly, these additional two buttons aside from the feedback button will appear.


Upon launching the course, you will notice that aside from the feedback button there are two additional buttons; the camera and gallery buttons.

The Camera button will take a screenshot of the course and pauses the playback. This opens the Edit Mode. You will also notice the additional buttons on the right side of the screenshot.

Edit mode tools

Source Code

Shots React App - Y:\_Storyline Templates\Feedback Tool 2019\

Shots Extension - Y:\_Storyline Templates\Feedback Tool 2019\Screenshot Extension