

Custom module for Joey's

Installation & Configuration


Installing this module will create the following DB tables:

  • fm_communication_settings
  • fm_communication_emails_sent
  • fm_communication_sms_sent
  • fm_communication_types
  • fm_communication_phone_numbers
  • fm_communication_emails

And populating the following:

  • fm_communication_settings (mailgun_domain, mailgun_public_api_key, mailgun_api_key, twilio_sid, twilio_auth_token, twilio_phone_number)
  • fm_communication_types (Home, Work, Mobile)
  • fm_communication_emails based on the user_details "Email".
    • Communication type is set to "Work" (ID 6) as default.
    • The data will be added if:
      • user detail fields "First Name" and "Last Name" exist;
      • the values for user detail fields "First Name" and "Last Name" are not blank
  • fm_communication_phone_numbers based on user_details "Phone Number".
    • Communication type is set to "Work" (ID 6) as default.
    • Character such as ".", ")", "(", "-" will be omitted from raw phone number input. Will add 1 to the raw phone number input if there is less than 10 digits
    • The data will be added if:
      • user detail fields "First Name" and "Last Name" exist;
      • the values for user detail fields "First Name" and "Last Name" are not blank




Set all inactive if the user has been deactivated / deleted

set name if the user's Name has changed

edit_email, edit_phone_number

Validate email / phone number via Mailgun and Trellio respectively. Note that there will be charge ($$$) for every validation.

Rest APIs


Type: GET

Description: retrieve data in JSON format from fm_communication_emails and fm_communication_phone_numbers based on current user

Sample Output:



Type: POST


  • item_id
  • value
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • type
  • use

Description: edit email for current user


Type: POST


  • item_id
  • value
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • type
  • use

Description: edit phone number for current user


Type: POST

Parameter: item_id

Description: delete email


Type: POST

Parameter: item_id

Description: delete phone number


Type: POST

Description: verify Mailgun


Type: POST

Description" verify mailgun???


Type: POST

Description" verify trilio



FAQ / Troubleshooting