Feedback Tool

Feedback Tool, sometimes referred to as Beta Feedback Tool, is a web app used to submit feedback from a Storyline course to QA FiLMS.

Current Version



Y:\Storyline Files\_templates\Feedback Tool


Note: This process is deprecated. Please see the article for AZURE here

  1. Publish an LMS package (unzipped) of your course from Storyline.
  2. Copy the files from the Feedback Tool version folder (i.e. '_1.1.2') into your published LMS package.
  3. With your package folder open, find the file named 'index_lms.html'. Rename that file to 'index_lmsORIGINAL.html'.
  4. Find the file named 'index_lmsFEEDBACK.html'. Rename that file to 'index_lms.html' (this is now your new entry point for the course).
  5. Zip your course, and then upload it to QA FiLMS.

**Flash is becoming increasingly less and less consistent. The feedback tool might cause flash content within a storyline course not to play. The content should work normally when launched from the standard index file, please double check to see whether your content relies on flash if it does you might have to use the previous feedback tool**


When sending the final version of the course for deployment, make sure to revert the entry point to the ORIGINAL html file.

Rename 'index_lms.html' to 'index_lmsFEEDBACK.html', and then rename 'index_lmsORIGINAL.html' back to 'index_lms.html'.

Remember to apply these changes to your course files on FiLMS as well.

Storyline 360 Support

Version 1.1.0 or above of the Feedback Tool is required.

Using the HTML5 Feedback Tool in Storyline 360 courses is still experimental, so please test, test, test!

To enable the Feedback Tool in Storyline 360, perform the SETUP steps above. Before you Zip the package though (before Step 5), we need to edit a data file in the course package. There is a util available to help you do this:

  1. If you haven't already, copy the folder named '_StorylineUtils' from Y:\Storyline Files\_templates\ onto your local C:\
  2. (you should have C:\_StorylineUtils on your local machine).
  3. Open your course package folder. You should see a file named 'toggleDebug360.bat'. Double click this file.
  4. A window will appear with the prompt "Set Storyline 360 debugging mode [on/off]". Type 'on', and press ENTER.
    • If the util does not locate the data file it needs, then a warning message will be displayed in the window instead:
      • "THERE WAS A PROBLEM!!! Unable to find data.js! This may not be a Storyline 360 course package."
      • Ensure that you are running the .bat file from a package published from Storyline 360.
  5. Zip your course, and then upload it to QA FILMS.

Extra Note: Before sending your final course for deployment, you should turn debugging off. To do this, double click the 'toggleDebug360.bat', and at the prompt, type 'off' and press ENTER. Also, remember to follow the IMPORTANT note above before sending for deployment.

IE Support

Version 1.1.0 or above of the Feedback Tool is required.

By default, if you open a course in IE that uses the HTML5 Feedback Tool, a warning will be displayed prompting you to use either Chrome or FireFox instead (the preferred browsers). If IE is absolutely required to view the course however, then you can achieve this with some extra steps.

It's highly recommended to publish your course package from Storyline 360 when performing these steps.

  1. Follow the initial SETUP steps above, but do not zip your package yet.
  2. Open the 'index_lms.html' file (previously named 'index_lmsFEEDBACK.html') in a text editor.
  3. Under the area named 'CUSTOM SETUP OPTIONS', set the 'showWarningInIE' to 'false' (it's 'true' by default).
  4. Save and close the 'index_lms.html' file, and then follow the notes above regarding STORYLINE 360 SUPPORT.

Extra Note: FiLMS by default will tell IE to open courses using IE8 emulation. This is obviously bad for playing HTML5 content.

To override this behaviour in FiLMS, you have to open the structure settings** for the course, and manually update the setting there.

**As of May 2017 this was still being tested so may not be fully implemented

Feedback Tool Features

  • When the HTML5 Feedback Tool is correctly setup in your course package, the course will present the HTML5 version of the content by default. The Flash version of the content will be ignored! While migrating away from Flash, there are still gotchas to be aware of. Some of these concerns can be found below under STORYLINE HTML5 CONCERNS.
  • It is not necessary to manually set 'sceneNumber' or 'slideNumber' in your slides when using the HTML5 Feedback Tool. The Feedback Tool will automatically pull these values from Storyline, along with the current time, slide layer number, and title.

Storyline HTML5 Concerns

  • Grow animations published from Storyline 2 will appear to 'pop' (flicker) periodically. This is a known issue with Storyline 2 HTML 5 content, and there is currently no fix. The easiest way around this problem is to use fade animations instead of grow animations.
  • Web objects embedded in the course content may be ignored by the HTML5 Feedback Tool. This is because these assets are held external to the content that Storyline publishes itself. The Feedback Tool currently only recognizes content published from Storyline.
  • More HTML5 concerns can be learned about in this forum post, HTML5 Experience and Fixes. Keep in mind many of these concerns are specific to publishing HTML5 content from Storyline 2, but they're still good to be aware of:
  • The feedback tool works by encapsulating the course, so it might be possible that the feedback tool can interrupt some interactions with the LMS. If you're noticing the course freezing on a certain slide, it might have something to do with the course trying to send a result to the lms.

Release Notes


July 31, 2017

  • Fixed a problem where Storyline 360 content wasn't able to find the 'MatchingResponse' constructor on the global window object. This was preventing drag and drop quiz questions from submitting data properly.


July 7, 2017

  • Added better Storyline API support for Storyline 360 courses. This update should help resolve issues with Storyline 360 courses not being able to communicate to the lms.


May 26, 2017

  • Added support for course packages published from Storyline 360. This functionality is still experimental, so limitations to how the feedback tool integrates with all 360 content will likely still be present.
  • Updated how the filtered feedback list is displayed. Any slides that have no filtered feedback to display will be hidden by default. This should make filtering feedback by the different status types easier.
  • Added 2 more status type options to filter by - Need Resources and Need Clarification
  • Added an option called 'showWarningInIE' to index_lmsFEEDBACK.html to help enable and disable warning message for IE
  • Minor style updates.


April 27, 2017

  • Made a small update to the order of operations within the XMLHttpRequest setup of FeedbackUTIL.request. Setting the responseType property before the '' call in the request setup would throw an "InvalidStateError" when opening the feedback tool in IE11. The responseType is now assigned after '' is called, so errors should not be thrown in IE.
  • Minor style updates.


Oct 07, 2016

  • Course content presentation will now default to HTML5 instead of Flash.
  • The feedback modules currently installed on FiLMS are used for sending and pulling feedback. Because of this, the feedback tool will only work in FiLMS LMS.
  • Due to limitations in the 'player.php' module in FiLMS, HTML5 content launched in IE will not display. An error page will be shown instead.
  • Automatic retrieval of 'Layer' and 'Time' values from a slide are contingent on slide layers allowing their timelines to be active from within Storyline.