SumTotal Learn

SumTotal Learn is a SCORM 1.2/SCORM 2004/AICC compliant Learning Management System. Corporate website:


Course configuration settings

In order for ICOM courses to track properly, the following settings are required:

  • Example

List of Clients

The following clients currently use this LMS:

Wiki notes

I have multiple courses where I need to make updates but do not want to create new course records. Does anyone know if ST support this and if so is there a report that will provide a rollup of all versions so I do not have to run a report on each?

SumTotal courses need to be zipped in 7Zip. Any other application (WinRar) has a high chance of failing. This holds true, especially, for BHP

Philip Hutchison


Hi Troy

SumTotal 8.2 supports uploading replacement files with certain exceptions: you can't add new files (the file structure, as defined in imsmanifest.xml, cannot change), plus you can't replace imsmanifest.xml. The replacement files should have no impact on reporting, as you're simply replacing course assets (HTML, CSS, image files, etc.), not the course itself.

- philip

Philip Hutchison


I should add: if you want to create a new version of a course, there are two options that I'm aware of: using SumTotal's versioning feature, or creating a new activity then connecting it to the old one via a fulfillment link. You'd then need to create a new report that includes both the old and new activity.

SumTotal's versioning feature is really cumbersome and caused problems for us (including auto-appending a number to the course name), so we stopped using it.

Disclaimer: I haven't worked with SumTotal 8 for the last 2 years, they may have implemented some improvements since then.

- philip - show quoted text -

Explanation Prerequisites Step-by-Step - The replace content feature only checks for the imsmanifest.xml file in the course. This file should be exactly the same including date/time when the file was modified. If there is any change in the imsmanifest file, then the system will not allow you to replace the content. Guidelines: · No changes in the imsmanifest.xml are allowed when a course is replaced. This applies when the files are replaced via UI or backend. · Replacement can be done if the changes are limited to the course file i.e. changes to the text of the course, images or links within the course. · In cases where SumTotal ToolBook content is used, a repackage of the course using ToolBook will update the date in the manifest file even if there are only changes in the files. The UI will not allow replacement since the imsmanifest file is changed. Since imsmanifest.xml has only date change and there is no impact on the UI of the course, the files can be replaced via backend. As per the SCORM standards, you cannot change the course structure until you rebuild the course. The replace content feature is used to replace the html or other files but not the structure of the course. In case you wish to change the course structure, you will need to create a new version of the course and upload it to the LMS. Workaround if imsmanifest file is changed: · If the imsmanfest.xml file of the activity is different, you cannot use the replace content feature to change the existing course. You will need to upload the course again and re-create a new activity. · The activity properties will not be copied/migrated from the previous activity. You will need to make changes manually. The training data, however, can be migrated from previous activity to new activity by the TMU tool. · Only the users, their registration date along with date/time can be migrated. There is no option to migrate bookmarks or status for In progress user. The user should relaunch and take the course.