Controlled Goods Program

Process control

Process Owner:

Mark Johnson


ICOM may have access to controlled goods during the development of training materials for clients. The training material for controlled goods is ALSO considered a controlled good under the Controlled Goods Program.


  • Name of Registered Person: ICOM Productions Inc.

  • Registration Number: CG21903

  • Certificate Number: 29360

  • Issue Date: 2020-01-28

  • Expiry Date: 2024-10-28


  • Authorized Individual: Kevin Jones

  • Designated Official (Calgary): Mark Johnson

  • Company Security Officer (CSO): Mark Johnson

  • Company Owner(s):

    • Greg Surbey

    • Jim Surbey

Export Control List

ECL number Description of goods

2-11 Advance Integrated Magnetic Anomaly Detection System (AIMS)

2-14 Full Flight Simulator for military purpose

2-21 Software related to 2-14 above

2-22 Technical data related to 2-14 above

5504 Strategic goods and technology of U.S. origin

6-9.A.6 Integrated Electronic Standby Instrument containing embedded U.S.-origin Quartz Rate Sensors (QRS-11 Sensors) that are classified as Significant Military Equipment under Category XII(d) of the U.S. Munitions List


  • 2.2 Maintain records (CGP link)

  • 2.5 Security plan

    • Procedures to control the examination, possession and transfer of controlled goods

    • Procedures for reporting and investigating security breaches

    • Responsibilities of the security organization, and identification of individuals responsible for the security of controlled goods

    • Contents of training programs given to officers, directors, employees, temporary workers and international students

    • Contents of security briefings given to visitors

  • 2.6 Training to officers, directors, employees, temporary workers and international students

  • 2.7 Security briefings to visitors

  • 2.8 Report confirmed and potential security breaches


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