SAIT FiLMS Builder Guide

FiLMS Course Builder - How to Build a Course for SAIT - Part 2

This document will help to assist and speed up the course building stage of development. This is the final procedure for uploading a module. SAIT courses are unique in that they must have proper structure configuration to properly work within FiLMS. This guide also shows how to enroll the development team and QA team for course review.

  • See last page for more information.


Step 1: Import New Course

  • Click content, courses, then click "Import Course"


Step 2: Choose Your Course Package

  • Checkmark [New]
  • Click on Browse to select the ZIP file of the course you are importing
  • Make sure it is the most recent version of the ZIP
  • Click Upload Course Package


Step 3: Create Multiple Enrollments

  • Check to see course uploaded properly (green highlighted text means it is successful)
  • If uploaded, proceed to the next step by clicking on "Create Multiple Enrollments"


Step 4: Choose Users

  • Expand the tree by clicking on the plus sign [+] next to "ICOM QA"
  • Scroll down the page


Step 5: SAIT Solace Tester

  • Expand the tree by clicking on the plus sign [+] next to "SAIT Solace Tester"
  • Ensure that these users are all part of SAIT development only - internal QA only.
  • The client should NEVER have access to the course at this time.
  • Checkmark only the first box to select all users within this group.
  • Scroll down.


Step 6: QA Team

  • Expand the tree by clicking on the plus sign [+] next to "QA Team"
  • Ensure that these users are all part of SAIT QA only.
  • The client should NEVER have access to the course at this time.
  • Checkmark only the first box to select all users within this group.
  • Click "Next" to continue.


Step 7: Choose Structure They Should Learn

  • Find the checkmark next to the course you would like users to enroll in.
  • Click "Next" to continue.


Step 8: Click Next

  • Just click "Next" and continue to next step.


Step 9: Checkmark Bottom Two Selections

  • Checkmark the bottom two selections, and hit "Finish" when done.


Step 10: Double Check for Users Enrolled

  • Make sure users affected are internal ICOM employees only at this point.
  • Click "Confirm" when done.


Step 11: Setting SAIT Structure

  • After clicking 'Structures' you will see this screen. Click on 'View' button to continue, highlighted in red.


Step 12: Set Structure to SAIT RFP

  • Click on dropdown menu under "COURSE CONFIGURATION"
  • Must be set to "SAIT RFP" for proper functionality.
  • After clicking 'SAIT RFP' you want to scroll all the way to the bottom of the screen. Click on 'Save' button to continue, highlighted in red.


Step 13: Finalized

  • After clicking "Save" on previous step, you should see green highlighted text - meaning there are no issues.
  • If you do not see green highlights, go back and save the structure again.


Missed Anything? - Return to Part 1


Additional Information and Assistance

  • This guide is used to assist developers using FiLMS Course Builder v3.45 / FiLMS v3.79.
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2013
  • This document is a work in progress -- as process and technologies may change at any moment. Should developer have further questions, do not hesitate to ask your project lead for assistance.
  • Thank you.