

The automatic TELUS CTP Learning Path importer watches a specified directory for *.csv files.

For each one, it tries to parse it as a list of learning path items and creates the needed entries to support them under the topic named "Learning Paths" and the group named "Learning Paths" within the installed organization.


It is configured via a "Directory to Monitor" application setting


It supports the following case-insensitive column headers:



  • path name - Group / master-topic name
  • level - sub-topic name
  • item id - Course Code to auto-enroll in the above group and level-topic
  • item name - Course name
  • is assessment - Structure Launch method is keyed off of this: SetComplete if false, null if true.


Will create any missing course / structure / curriculum / class / group / topic / auto-enrollment necessary.

It is authoritative, so during an import:

  • Auto-enrollments within Learning Paths subgroups are wiped and recreated
  • Any empty groups / topics within the Learning Paths group/topic are deleted
  • Any unused courses are left inactive

It can be run manually outside the daily cron by using the run.php file.