Instructions for Mark's Organizations Clean Up
These are instructions for Mark's Organizations Clean Up. This will be required after an Operational District Realignment. Various changes can occur:
- Change in Region name
- Change in District name
- Change in Store name and/or number
- Store move from one District to another
This means that there will be changes in existing FiLMS organizations' name (store is defined as an Organization in FiLMS) since it is using the following format:
[region name] - [district name] - [store name] - [store number]
Whenever the changes mentioned is reflected in the user importer data feed, FiLMS will process it and generate a new FiLMS organization based on the changes. The more changes the client made, the more duplicated organizations generated hence more difficult for FiLMS to sync with the latest information, especially when providing the Mark's reports.
Here is an example of how an organization(s) are generated which resulted in duplicates.
- Let's say there's an organization named "OPS Alberta Region - Calgary FM South - Calgary West - 15".
- One day there is realignment and one of the changes is the region name from "OPS Alberta Region" to "OPS AB/SK Region". This will generate a new organization named "OPS AB/SK Region - Calgary FM South - Calgary West - 15". All active users are moved to that new organization. The deactivated users are left behind in the old organization.
- Another time there is a realignment and one of the changes is the district name from "Calgary FM South" to "Calgary Fort Mac". Again, this will generate a new organization named "OPS AB/SK Region - Calgary Fort Mac - Calgary West - 15". All active users are moved to that new organization. The deactivated users are left behind in the organization created on Step 2. Also, there are some deactivated users in the original organization mentioned in Step 1.
- So far there is a total of 3 (duplicated) organizations with same store number. The real problem comes when generating the enrollment report by stores. So typically store managers went to the report page, select the store they manage from the store drop-down menu and pull the report. Since that store drop-down menu is composed of a list of organizations, the admins will see that 3 duplicated organizations which is kind of confusing (ideally they should see only one). That is why we need to clean up.
Cleaning Instructions
- latest visual district alignment document provided by the client (either PDF of excel format). Ideally, the client should provide the list of what is changed.
- Mark's custom report "Admin - List of Organizations with duplicate store numbers" ID 49
Merge old duplicate Organizations
- Cross-referencing both documents mentioned in the requirements to figure out which organization(s) needed to phased-out (to be deleted) and which one to be maintained (orgs where both active and inactive users will be moved). The organizations to be maintained must have an up-to-date name (current region/district/store name must be reflected from latest visual district alignment document).
- I'm re-using the example I have provided previously to show you how I cross-reference it:
- I'll be cleaning up duplicated organizations of store number 15. There are currently 3 duplicated organizations:
- "OPS Alberta Region - Calgary FM South - Calgary West - 15"
- "OPS AB/SK Region - Calgary FM South - Calgary West - 15"
- "OPS AB/SK Region - Calgary Fort Mac - Calgary West - 15"
- Based on the latest visual district alignment document, the current name of the organization should be "OPS AB/SK Region - Calgary Fort Mac - Calgary West - 15". That organization should be maintained. The other 2 should be phased out. To summarize (orange: maintained; black: phased out):
- "OPS Alberta Region - Calgary FM South - Calgary West - 15"
- "OPS AB/SK Region - Calgary FM South - Calgary West - 15"
- "OPS AB/SK Region - Calgary Fort Mac - Calgary West - 15"
- Depends on how big the changes are (I worked on at least 500 duplicated organizations), this takes around half a day of manual work.
- Use Admin Console's Merge Duplicate User to merge duplicated organizations. The instruction on how to use it can be found in here. This interface moves all the users from phased-out organization(s) to the organization to be maintained. After making sure that the phased-out organization has no users in it, delete it.
Rename Existing Organizations
Warning: only proceed to this step if the client hasn't had realignment change reflected in their user importer datafeed
- Note that when renaming the organization, use the following format: "[region name] - [district name] - [store name] - [store number]"
- If the region name is changed, all organizations (stores) under that region must be changed.
- If the district name is changed, all organizations (stores) under that district must be changed.
- If the store is moved to another district, rename that organization based on new district
Double Check
Warning: only proceed to this step if you have already done Step 2.
- Sometimes on either client or ICOM side, organization renaming is not done properly (e.g client renamed the region / district / store incorrectly). This results in duplicated organizations. The clean up needed to be done to reflect on the client's changes. Follow Step 1 for clean-up instruction.
Update Mark's Reports
Region names used by Mark's Reports are stored in the database table: fm_marksreports_regions
Updates to these records will be required if Region names have changed.