CTC's High 5
CTC's High 5 is a web application built by ICOM for Canadian Tire Corporation (CTC).
This was deactivated Jan 11, 2019
Most usernames are the employee's Employee ID number
For FGL users the format of login names is F123456789
- ie F002146131 etc
If you select FGL in login screen on High5 website the system will automatically prepend "F" to whatever user entered as the login name.
Fulfilment issues
Fulfilment issues
Send fulfilment concerns to high5@cantire.com.
New requests are emailed by the system to:
Tickets escalated from Tier 1 should be redirected as follows:
- App errors:
- Tech team
- Business issues: myhr@cantire.com
- Fulfilment
- eg: Where is the t-shirt I ordered?
- PeopleSoft issues
- eg: Why is my name not in the system?
Test accounts
Test accounts
From: Ryan Deacon [mailto:ryan.deacon@oracast.com]
Sent: September-26-12 3:25 PM
To: Mark Johnson
Cc: Ryan Jones
Subject: RE: FW: ICOM Business Impact Report 092312
Hi Mark,
You should have them refresh the main page as it may be something that is cached and not playing nice. I have tested with the following:
Ryan Deacon
Chief Operating Officer
Oracast, Inc.
Suite 326, 918 - 16th Ave NW
Calgary, AB T2M 0K3
From: Ryan Jones
Sent: September-06-12 2:32 PM
To: Mark Johnson
Subject: RE: High5 ticket escalation workflows - Updated time 1:30 Mountain
I am not in the system
Use these 2 accounts to test but do not change or say thanks in the live system just in case.
Jeff Dick non-manager
1007007 Jeff Dick 18-Jun
Cathy - Manager
1013596 Catherine Yoshisaka 15-Jun
Common Service Requests
Common Service Requests
Points refund
Points refund