Vault Project

A Vault Project request is typically made by a Project Manager. A ticket is created with the label "[Vault]". The request may include 3 components:

  • Vaulting of Project documents

  • Add course/video to SPAT (optional)

  • Add course to Demo Portal (optional)

Vault Project documents


Download Google Drive Project docs from the request:

Copy to vault

  • Visit P:\Vault\

  • New client?

    • Copy _template

    • Rename to client name

  • New project?

    • Copy _template/Project

    • Rename Project folder to Project name

    • Move inside appropriate Client folder

  • COPY Google Docs to:

    • Google Drive project docs

  • DIARIZE Y: file move

    • Add an Calendar Event for one month out from date of Vault request

Y: Vault

Vault request date + 1 month

  • Message Content Design team lead

    • Team lead confirms Y: vault?

      • Yes, vault Y: to Vault

      • No, rediarize for one month out